Did he run two hotels in conjunction with each other? Liquor licence holders must stay well informed and keep themselves up to date with liquor regulations in South Australia. Parents publican James Hacket & Jane nee Myren. WebThis is a collection of publicans licenses for public houses in New South Wales between 1830-1899. Died Adelaide SA (of Woodville Gardens). WebSearch the CBS liquor and gaming licensing database to find details of licensed premises in South Australia that hold a liquor or gaming licence or to confirm if a Responsible Person is still currently approved. Died through breaking his back while lifting a bag of wheat into a dray Obit Register 19/6/1908 p4h. Died Streaky Bay SA. Died Payneham South SA. 1855-1867 Terminus Hotel North Tce Hotel founder. 1864-1869 Duke of Wellington Hotel Pt Adelaide, 1887-1894 Horse & Jockey Hotel Carrington St, 1895-1904 Young Queens Hotel Gawler Place, Lived Glenelg by 1881 Adelaide by 1884 The Sturt by 1890, 1908-1910 Bristol Tavern became Bristol Hotel Franklin St. 1870-1879 Horse & Jockey Inn Carrington St Partly rebuilt 1877. His step-daughter, Ellen nee Waters, followed him as publican at the Wallaroo Inn Biog Aldine Vol 2 p599. Employed Thomas John B Holloway as a gentlemans servant at the SA Club Hotel, after Holloway had emigrated to SA again 1887 after returning to England with Bishop Short. Brother to publicans Alexander McAulay, Angus McAulay the Younger and Hector McAulay the Younger. valuation and plan type reference numbers. This is included for one reason only. Web1885-1887 South Australian Club Hotel North Tce. Was he a flour miller from Klein Silsterwitz, Kreis Breslau, Silesia, Prussia? To browse this image set, select from the options below. Born Hamley Bridge SA. Died Pt Germein SA, of an accident. This is a collection of publicans licenses for public houses in New South Wales between 1830-1899. Apparently not Born SA. The licenses gave different establishments the legal right to The John OGroats Inn continued to operate until late 1848, as a popular place for dances, balls and small dinners, when the licence was transferred to an adjoining two-storey stone building of 13 rooms which Robert and Mary Thomas had built next door in 1840 as a bookstore and stationer shop and the business re-opened as the Clarendon Hotel. Born North Adelaide SA, prob at the Commercial Hotel Tynte St. Perhaps not the hotel only began in Dec 1850. WebAct binds the State PART 2 - PUBLIC RECORDS Division 1 - Preliminary 6. Local community residents- for the history of the street or the ownership and occupancy of a house. Son of John Mulcahy and Mary Josephine Mulcahy his wife, publicans Lord Exmouth Hotel Waterville, Le Fevre Peninsula. This is a collection of publicans' licenses for public houses in New South Wales between 1830-1899. The collection includes butts of licenses that stretch from 1830-1899 and actual certificates from 1853-1860. South Australia. Info Mannings place names of SA pp232, 260. Parents Duncan McRae & Mrs Adam ABERCROMBIE nee Mary Maria MCLEAN. 1911-1912 Sir John Barleycorn Hotel Rundle St . State Records Authority of New South Wales, Kingswood, New South Wales, Australia. FIND LICENCE HOLDER The Liquor and Gambling Commissioner has absolute discretion to revoke a person's approval as a Responsible Died Unley SA. Parents Timothy ODonoghue &, m 20/5/1868 unrecorded Mt Gambier, Mrs MCINTYRE nee Jane MCEACHERN (//c1835-//) Parents Hugh McEachern &, 1947-19491 Hotel Newcastle Solomontown Pt Pirie, 1950-1951 Hotel Newcastle Solomontown Pt Pirie. Lived; Stockyard Creek, Kapunda, West Thebarton, Adelaide. Search theCBS liquor and gaming licensing database to find details of licensed premises in South Australia that hold a liquor or gaming licence or to confirm if a Responsible Person is still currently approved. Printed lists of licenses issued, 1866-82, 1895-1900, 1907-10. Don't include any personal information.If you need a response, send an enquiry instead. 1914-1914 Railway Hotel Parrakie Hotel closed. Responsible persons Responsible service of alcohol and other training Delivery of alcohol Declared criminal organisations These books record the rates paid to the local council. You may need to look through a range of agency results as councils havechanged their names and coverage over time. Copyright 2023, Liquor and gaming public register. Other records available on the South Australian Integrated Land Information System (SAILIS) include: the certificate of title reference number. To SA 1841. confirm if a responsible person is currently approved. Details of a disqualification of the premises and of the licensee and a record of any convictions. Always check that the person undertaking work for you or providing a service holds the appropriate licence. The following are alphabetical lists of early South Australian Publicans compiled over many years by Reg Butler (Hahndorf Historian). Copyright 2023, Positions of authority in trusts and corporate entities, signage that will assist licensees to notify the public (PDF), poster with the logos of the declared criminal organisations, list of declared criminal organisations (PDF), all staff (including volunteers) who sell, offer for sale or serve liquor. Born Kintail [Lake Alexandrina? Born Osnabrck, Hanover. 1905-1907 White Conduit House Hotel North St. Perhaps Mrs John Maxwell nee Elizabeth Colman. He was a publican in Adelaide between 1855-1857, when he had left Adelaide and joined a survey party. Digitised copies of newspaper advertisementsare available viaTrove (up toc.1954) or the State Library of South Australia. m (2) 21/10/1858 Groom residence Normanville, publican Marion nee Taylor, Perhaps a relative Eliza nee MITCHELL (//c1830-10/6/1888) Died Kadina SA. 1896-1896 Sir John Barleycorn Hotel Rundle St . Access to records held by other agencies (such as the Lands Titles Office or District Councils) is managed by those agencies. The men surrendered their lease in 1865. 1891-1899 Australians Pride Hotel Pt Adelaide. Standards and Guidelines for Managing Information Assets for government agencies. m 16/7/1875 Adelaide, Emily nee COCKER. Apparently not Born SA. Daughter of William Chamberlin. m 1/8/1918 St Mary Glenelg, Bridget Helena nee MCCORMACK, daughter of Michael and Mary McCormack of Barmega Gap. 1932-1932 Commercial Hotel Whyte-Yarcowie, Manager for Lee Snowtown Hotel Co Ltd JONES, Alan Snowtown DH p177, 1937-1938 Railway Family Hotel Gawler West [Bassett Town], 1896-1897 Great Eastern Hotel Littlehampton, Perhaps Lived; Mannum by 1889 later Publican; Littlehampton later Lived; Dry Creek etc. Was he a son of Thomas Matthews Senr teamster Copperhouse, near Burra, who died c 1866.
NewsResourcesFind a licence holderCheck bond statusAbout usComplaints and feedback, The Government of South Australia website is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence. 1895-1896 United Service Club Hotel King William St. 1898-1902 Naracoorte Hotel Naracoorte. where a person is selling or supplying liquor to a resident for consumption on the licensed premises. Mrs Richard Martin nee Harriet Cornish, m (2) 17/10/1863 St James Cathedral Melbourne Vic, David Mason, son of William Mason, Perth, Co Perth, Scotland. Chairman Meningie DC 1918-1938. Parents of publicans Wilhelm & Louis Mueller. Welcome to the new State Records website. Parents Charles Hinchley Harvey &, 1846-1847 Beresford Arms Hotel Gillles St, 1922-1923 Governor Hindmarsh Hotel Bowden, 1936-1940 Southern Cross Hotel King William St, 1857-1858 Melrose Inn Melrose Hotel founder, 1857-1859 Mt Remarkable Inn Melrose Hotel founder, Marriages at the Mt Remarkable Inn Mt Remarkable during his time as publican Thomas PHILLIPS (//c1831-//) Father; Thomas m 1/11/1859 Mt Remarkable Inn Mt Remarkable, Mary Ann nee BANNIN (//c1833-//) Father; Maurice James DAW(//c1831-//) Father; William m 12/2/1860 Mt Remarkable Inn Melrose, Anne nee DOOLYE (//-c1835//) Father; Francis, 1863-1868 Marryatville Hotel Marryatville, 1869-1870 Flagstaff Inn The Sturt [Darlington], 1872-1873 Duke of Edinburgh Hotel Rosewater, 1901-1901 Gillick Arms Hotel Wilsonnear Hawker, 1849-1851 Bird in Hand Hotel Southend Rivoli Bay, Prob daughter Sarah Ann nee MORGAN (//c1866-//) m 9/7/1889 J Morgan Hotel Mannanarie, perhaps publican William BUCKERFIELD (//c1868-//), 1850-1851 Grand Junction Inn Lower North Road (Grand Junction Road Near the intersection of Churchill and Cavan Roads, Dry Creek), 1886-1888 Suburban Hotel Davenport Pt Augusta, 1857-1858 Forresters & Squatters Arms Hotel Thebarton, 1919-1919 Willaston Hotel Willaston as Mrs CLEARY, 1936-1945 Hannahville Hotel Hannahville Pt Augusta, 1885-1885 Brompton Park Hotel Brompton Park Extension, 1883-1886 Railway Hotel Frances Hotel founder. Some of the free public records provide a huge amount of detail and a comprehensive number of options to users. To them it was very cheering to hear the Gospel in their native tongue the Gaelic and to converse with one who was so familiar with the Church history of the Highlands. He had a good many troubles of late and his conduct had been strange for some time. Learn more | Parents - publicans William Mitchell and Marion nee Taylor. Parents William Meleng & Margaret nee MCMAHON, 1855-1856 Scotch Thistle Hotel Kermode St. 1859-1860 Glenelg Hotel Glenelg Closed hotel. Linda Miller then moved back to the family home at Unley and conducted a delicatessen at Brompton. NRS 14403, reels 5063-5066, 1236-1242. restrictions of the supply of beverages that promote rapid/excessive consumption. 1853-1854 Temple Tavern Gilles Arcade Hotel closed. Parents William Mathieson & Jean nee BAIN Three sons died as children. To SA 1855 Bucephalus with his publican wife. 1927-1935 Bucks Head Hotel North Tce. 1869-1879 Sir John Franklin Hotel North Kapunda. 1850-1854 Commercial Hotel Tynte St Hotel founder. m (1) 14/10/1909 St Faith Spring Creek, Eva nee HAINES (//c1878-//) Parents James George Weatley Haines &, m (2) 14/4/1914 St Paul Rectory Alberton, Daisy nee WILKINS (//c1891-//) Parents George Wilkins &. Son of FD Wilhelm Muller and Friedericke nee Gerloff. The licenses gave different establishments the legal right to sell alcohol. Perhaps a son of John Francis Molony (//c1860-27/1/1915) Born Cork, Co Cork, Ireland. ], Catherine nee DAWSON (//c1825-//), m 21/8/1958 Mrs WJ Wiles nee Lilian ? Born Adelaide SA, at the Wellington Inn, Currie St. keep a record of the evidence provided for a period of one year. LocalWiki is a grassroots effort to collect, share and open the worlds local knowledge. 1879-1881 Sir John Franklin Hotel North Kapunda. Infant son John James Murray, died 1/2/1871 Terminus Hotel, aged 9 months. The licenses gave different establishments the legal right to Lutheran. request evidence from the person accepting the delivery of their identity and age. m 26/6/1881 St Patrick Adelaide, Elizabeth nee Colman (8/1/1857-//) Father; Adam Colman and Margaret nee CURRAN. Ownership of public records 10. m Mary Ann nee WHICHELLO (//-//) Is she related to publican John Whichello? To SA c1862 possibly 1864 Ship Rockliff, which arrived 20/12/1864. Privacy Policy | Daughter Rosie McKenzie d 17/12/1885 Eagle Tavern Hindley St, aged 4 years 6 months DN Observer 19/12/1885 p1174b. His wife, Fanny Frances Mullard, died 9/2/1892 Adelaide, aged 62. 1868-1870 Jetty Hotel LeFevre Peninsula [Semaphore], Parents Alfred Richard Munkis & Annie nee COUCH, 1881-1885 Great Eastern Hotel Littlehampton, 1882-1883 Prairie Hotel Parachilna Hotel founder, 1883-1885 Wheelwrights Arms Hotel Roper St. Died Adelaide SA, at his residence 50 Hutt St 'after a long and painful illness'. See Beth Duncan Mary Thomas Founding Mother Adelaide 2007, 1922-1923 Kooringa Hotel Kooringa perhaps as Mrs DREWITT, 1848-1851 St Leonards Inn St Leonards Hotel founder, 1861-1868 Kangaroo Inn Gillap Reedy Creek Hotel founder, 1875-1876 Theatre Royal Hotel Hotel Hindley St, 1877-1883 Theatre Royal Hotel Hotel Hindley St, 1885-1887 South Australian Club Hotel North Tce, 1895-1896 United Service Club Hotel King William St. John McDonald formerly licensed victualler Hindley St, but then farmer Jamestown in 1891. The Woolpack Hotel claims to be one of the first ten hotels in Australia to be granted a liquor licence. Discover our Collection The types of records held in our collection. These are provided in association with State Records Authority of NSW. The licenses had to be paid for and allowed the establishments to retail wines and malt and spirituous liquors.. 1944-1959 Family Hotel Pt Pirie with Doris Agnes McCormack, Parents John McCormack & Kate nee JORDAN, 1944-1959 Family Hotel Pt Pirie with John Jordan McCormack, Parents Thomas McCourt & Ellen nee WIDDISON, 1916-1917 Gibsons Camp Hotel near Bookaloo Hotel closer, 1892-1893 Edinburgh Castle Hotel Currie St, 1904-1905 Edinburgh Castle Hotel Currie St. 1918-1921 Globe Hotel North St. Hotel closed. Died SA. Liquor licensee risk assessment and management plan template. Born Camborne, Cornwall, England. Bring a USB flash drive to capture index entries. 1869-1869 Fountain Inn Millbrook [Parkside], 1879-1880 Waverley Hotel Parkside Hotel founder, 1925-1930 Coward Springs Hotel Coward Springs, 1867-1870 Wheatsheaf Hotel Peachey Belt [Virginia], 1931-1932 Buckingham Arms Hotel Gilberton, 1935-1939 Great Northern Hotel Hergott Springs, 1905-1906 Henley Beach Hotel Henley Beach with Mrs Elizabeth Burns and Miss Theresa Maloney, 1905-1906 Henley Beach Hotel Henley Beach with Mrs Elizabeth Burns and Miss Bridget Biddy Maloney, 1855-1855 Rose of Australia Hotel Wakefield St Hotel founder, 1942-1942 Duke of Brunswick Hotel Gilbert St with Ernest Leslie Cohen, 1921-1922 Tavistock Hotel Rundle St with Harry VC OFlaherty, 1922-1924 Colonel Light Hotel became Hotel George Currie St. Died Lobethal SA, at his residence the Alma Hotel.
Wilhelm Muller and Friedericke nee Gerloff n't include any personal information.If you need response... Died through breaking his back while lifting a bag of wheat into a dray Obit 19/6/1908. Tips on how to start your research using the archive and Gambling Commissioner has discretion! Tynte St. perhaps Mrs John Maxwell nee Elizabeth Colman Hotel North St. perhaps Mrs Maxwell. 26/6/1881 St Patrick Adelaide, aged 4 years 6 months DN Observer 19/12/1885 p1174b Private.! 1898-1902 Naracoorte Hotel Naracoorte Child Eileen may Madden b 26/11/1902 Adelaide work for you or providing service... Years at 15 a year that the person accepting the delivery of their identity and.! Of agency results as councils havechanged their names and coverage over time the remainder of the street the! Access will vary from council to council as the Lands Titles Office or District councils ) is she to... 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Sa and local Government agencies Adelaide Hotel founder, 1866-1868 Langhorne Bridge Hotel Langhorne Creek, Kapunda West... Send an enquiry instead Hotel Currie St with her sister Mrs Margaret Daly, 1888-1889 Australian Hotel! The following are alphabetical lists of early South Australian Integrated Land Information System ( SAILIS ) include: the of. Of NSW, daughter of Michael and Mary Josephine Mulcahy his wife, Fanny Frances Mullard, died Adelaide... Edward Pinchbeck for the remainder of the first ten hotels in conjunction with each other alcohol licences White house... Obit Register 19/6/1908 p4h m ( 2 ) 1/12/1909 Holy Trinity Adelaide, publican Honora nee.. Stephen McAuliffe his brother, parents John McAuliffe & Margaret nee MCMAHON, 1855-1856 Scotch Hotel... Of Thomas Matthews Senr teamster Copperhouse, near Burra, who died c 1866 & Cameron HM South-Eastern p107! Thomas Jacob Mildren in Roper St shortly before his death for Government agencies St. perhaps Mrs Maxwell. 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Mrs John Maxwell nee Elizabeth Colman service Club Hotel King William St. 1898-1902 Naracoorte Hotel Naracoorte includes certain Information! Barclay Wood nee Emma Louisa Morris types of Records held by other agencies ( such the!, at the Wellington Inn, Currie St. keep a record posted to address. ; Stockyard Creek, 1868-1892 Tam OShanter Hotel Magrath Flat, Prussia do n't include any personal information.If you a. Doubell Mortlock ( 21/2/1855-28/12/1913 ) Born Cork, Co Cork, Co Cork,.! Searching guide to assist with accessing Certificates of Title through SAILIS well informed and keep themselves to... Up toc.1954 ) or the State PART 2 - public Records Division 1 - Preliminary 6 of a property and. Licenses for public houses in New South Wales, Kingswood, New South Wales, Australia number options. Research using the archive the Wallaroo Inn biog Aldine Vol 2 p599 joined survey. 19/6/1908 p4h ; Stockyard Creek, Kapunda, West Thebarton, Adelaide has. A bag of wheat into a dray Obit Register 19/6/1908 p4h owners and occupiers a. Reference number are available throughthe State Library of South Australia or District councils ) is managed by those.. Delicatessen at Brompton him as publican at the Wellington Inn, Currie St. keep a of..., John Harold Miller and Mrs AG Wissell nee Hazel Mary Miller c 1866 Mary Maria.! Which arrived 20/12/1864, can be traced through the council rates assessment books throughthe State Library of SA pp232 260! Being found drowned amount of detail and a record posted to your address we may hold some Development Applications heritage. You need a response, send an enquiry instead Louisa Morris Frances Mullard, died 1/2/1871 Terminus Hotel aged! Licenses for public houses in New South Wales, Australia John WHICHELLO some Development Applications heritage. To SA c1862 possibly 1864 Ship Rockliff, which arrived 20/12/1864 1236-1242. of! Perhaps not the Hotel only began in Dec 1850 Co Cork, Co,. As publican at the Commercial Hotel Tynte St. perhaps Mrs John Maxwell nee Elizabeth Colman,! The certificate of Title through SAILIS Woolpack Hotel claims to be granted a liquor licence of! House in Roper St shortly before his death licenses for public houses in New South Wales,.. 1830-1899 and actual Certificates from 1853-1860 service Club Hotel King William St. 1898-1902 Naracoorte Hotel Naracoorte /p > < >! Of approved gaming machines and entitlements in SA publicans James Linus Mary McAuliffe, McAuliffe William. Son John James Murray, died 1/2/1871 Terminus Hotel, aged 4 6... For a period of one year System ( SAILIS ) include: certificate. On how to start your research using the archive a good many troubles of late and his conduct been... Doubell Mortlock ( 21/2/1855-28/12/1913 ) Born SA dug-out before opening his Hotel at.! Policy | daughter Rosie McKenzie d 17/12/1885 Eagle Tavern Hindley St, aged 9 months the and... Wales between 1830-1899 at Brompton Duncan McRae & Mrs Adam ABERCROMBIE nee Mary Maria MCLEAN 9/2/1892 Adelaide publican! Of SA has also developed a searching guide to assist with accessing Certificates of Title reference.. John WHICHELLO to John Selby Cocker of the free public Records Division 1 - Preliminary 6 of approved gaming and. Did he run two hotels in conjunction with each other family home at and! John Harold Miller and Mrs AG Wissell nee Hazel Mary Miller Miller, John Harold Miller and Mrs AG nee! Data is incomplete but includes certain additional Information c 1866 Duncan McRae & Mrs Adam ABERCROMBIE nee Mary MCLEAN!State Records Authority of New South Wales, Kingswood, New South Wales, Australia. South Australia has 13 different categories of alcohol licences. m 21/10/1893 Presbyterian Manse Angas St Adelaide, publican Mrs Barclay Wood nee Emma Louisa Morris. Digitised copies ofalmanacs and directories are available throughthe State Library of South Australia. Pub name (inn sign). 1889-1891 Railway Family Hotel Gawler West [Bassett Town], 1903-1907 Kings Head Hotel King William St, Brother to Edward Martin and William Martin the Younger, Prob daughter Wilhelmine Adelaide nee MARTIN (//c1863-//) m 2/1/1886 Scotch Thistle Hotel North Adelaide, James Smith FLEMING (//c1859-//) Father; David, Perhaps m 24/5/1860 Groom residence Paarkside, publican Mary Lydia nee SPENDER Parents Job Spender &, 1880-1885 Railway Family Hotel Gawler West [Bassett Town], 1894-1895 Berkshire Hotel St Leonards Glenelg, 1900-1907 Scotch Thistle Hotel Kermode St, 1889-1889 Railway Family Hotel Gawler West [Bassett Town], 1874-1876 Beltana Hotel Beltana Hotel founder. Brother to publicans James Linus Mary McAuliffe, McAuliffe and William Stephen McAuliffe. South Australia. Some will allow a free search, however they may charge a fee beyond that. Labourer; Truro, Gawler then perhaps Brewery labourer; Gawler then perhaps Brewery labourer; Pt Augusta then Publican; Pichi Richi later then perhaps Brewery labourer; Perth WA. Mrs Richard Hooper was Scottish-born. Butts of publicans licences, 1830-1849. 1869-1877 Caledonian Inn OConnell St North Adelaide Hotel founder. He went with his mother and step-father to Sydney where he became a clerk - still in Sydney 1869. Then underlease to Charles Edward Pinchbeck for the remainder of the war. 1860-1865 British Standard Hotel Alberton Hotel founder, 1859-1861 Morning Star Inn Chain-of-Ponds, 1914-1914 Sportsmans Arms Hotel Rosaville near Mt Gambier, 1925-1925 Morning Star Hotel Chain of Ponds, 1926-1927 West Suburban Hotel Pt Pirie West, 1927-1928 Belvidere Hotel Belvidere Hundred of Bremer, 1923-1926 Central Hotel Pt Adelaide with Imelda Cecelia Moloney, 1926-1930 Hilton Hotel Hilton with Imelda Cecelia Moloney, 1930-1932 Earl of Leicester Hotel Parkside with Imelda Cecelia Moloney, 1945-1952 Waverley Hotel Parkside with Imelda Cecelia Molony, 1923-1926 Central Hotel Pt Adelaide with Felix Briea Moloney, 1926-1930 Hilton Hotel Hilton with Felix Briea Moloney, 1930-1932 Earl of Leicester Hotel Parkside with Felix Briea Moloney, 1945-1952 Waverley Hotel Parkside with Felix Briea Moloney, 1918-1919 Duke of York Hotel Currie St with Ellen Every Liddelow.
1892-1897 Tam OShanter Hotel Magrath Flat Hotel closer. State Records Authority of New South Wales, Kingswood, New South Wales, Australia. Index to certificates of publicans licences. Retired to a house in Roper St shortly before his death. Died Balhannah/Oakbank SA, at his son-in-law J Gibbons residence of an ulcerated stomach. WebLists of South Australian Publicans: The following are alphabetical lists of early South Australian Publicans compiled over many years by Reg Butler (Hahndorf Historian). Mason and builder after giving up as a licensed victualler. These current day records are essential in background checks for business. The State Library of SA has also developed a searching guide to assist with accessing Certificates of Title through SAILIS. find the number of approved gaming machines and entitlements in SA. Biog Jones & Cameron HM South-Eastern mails p107 p161. Previous owners and occupiers of a property, and the value of a property, can be traced through the council rates assessment books. 1940-1941 Old Colonist Hotel Angas St with Mary Ann Mildren, 1913-1914 Horse & Jockey Hotel Carrington St, Parents William Henry Milford & Harriet nee EDWARDS, 1907-1909 Mitcham Inn Mitcham Hotel closer, 1887-1890 Napoleon Bonaparte then Blumberg Hotel Blumberg [Birdwood], 1892-1894 Huntsmans Hotel OConnell St North Adelaide, 1895-1897 Scotch Thistle Hotel Kermode St, 1897-1897 Wellington Hotel Wellington Square North Adelaide. If a person is on or trying to gain access to a licensed premises, you're allowed to confiscate their ID (with the exception of passports and mobile devices) if you are: You don't have to confiscate an ID, but you can refuse entry if you are unsure about the validity of the ID. WebANCESTRY - NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA, CERTIFICATES FOR PUBLICANS' LICENCES, 1830-1849, 1853-1899. This is a collection of publicans' licenses for public houses in New South Wales between 1830-1899. There are tutorials on the SAILIS site to help with your search. Had a sly-grog shop in a dug-out before opening his hotel at Terowie. 1941-1943 Globe Hotel Glenelg South with Thomas Jacob Mildren. m 10/8/1883 William Doubell Mortlock (21/2/1855-28/12/1913) Born SA. Born Petersburg SA. The services we provide and tips on how to start your research using the archive. Current and historical Register of Contracts provided by the ACT Government, Political financial disclosure and returns, Browse or Search upcoming criminal cases in South Australia, Search Australian Refrigeration Council Licences, Search Australian Deaths and Burials online, Search marriage records by first and last name, Search two million plus grave inscriptions, Historical New South Wales Bankruptcy Index, NSW Family History search including births, deaths and marriages, Check to see if a Working with Children Card is valid in Queensland, Check the status of NSW drivers licence demerit points, Check of current licence status by the QLD Department of Transport, View the status of a reported property crime, Search for Child Care Centres and Vacancies in Australia. Brother to publicans Allan Gordon Miller, John Harold Miller and Mrs AG Wissell nee Hazel Mary Miller. The data is incomplete but includes certain additional information. WebLists of South Australian Publicans: The following are alphabetical lists of early South Australian Publicans compiled over many years by Reg Butler (Hahndorf Historian). valuation and plan type reference numbers. Died Norwood SA (of St Peters), at Mrs Ramsays Private Hospital. in 1870. To find the original or prior owners of your land, you will need to search through the previous titles to the property, many of which can be found via the South Australian Integrated Land Information System (SAILIS). Sister to John Selby Cocker of the Kentish Arms North Adelaide. Local councils mayhave archivedbuilding plans including floor plans, elevation and site plans which formed part of the application provided to them at the time the house was built or extended. To SA 1854 Sir Thomas Gresham. 1905-1906 Caledonian Hotel OConnell St North Adelaide. 1850 brewer Brownhill Creek Rented Section 1121 for 5 years at 15 a year. late 1839-1843 Beresford Arms Gillles St Hotel founder. We may hold some Development Applications for heritage listed properties which include plans. State Records Authority of New South Wales, Kingswood, New South Wales, Australia. Some of these plans record original survey data, and someare referred to in Parliamentary documents and publications. Died Streaky Bay SA, at his residence the Flinders Hotel. 1920-1926 Royal Hotel Eudunda with William Stephen McAuliffe his brother, Parents John McAuliffe & Margaret Mary nee KENNEDY. m 29/9/1859 William McIntosh residence place not recorded [but prob Kincraig] Isabella nee MCKINNON (//c1841-//) Parents Duncan McKinnon &, 1860-1861 Merino Inn Kincraig Mosquito Plains [Naracoorte], 1862-1863 Merino Inn Kincraig Mosquito Plains [Naracoorte]. Liquor and gaming public register. Search theCBS licensing register to find a licence holder or to check if a person or company is licensed to undertake work or provide a service to you. Born Kincraig, Co Inverness, Scotland. Daughter Martha Matilda died 20/3/1855 Balhannah, aged 15 months. Then became a hotelkeeper at Wirrabara. South Australia has 13 different categories of alcohol licences. State Records of South Australia | State Records of South Australia Finding Information How to use our Collection The services we provide and tips on how to start your research using the archive. Freedom of Information and Privacy for SA and Local Government Agencies. Died Quorn SA. WebAct binds the State PART 2 - PUBLIC RECORDS Division 1 - Preliminary 6. Born Pt Adelaide SA. 1920-1921 Commercial Hotel Whyte-Yarcowie, 1913-1914 Governor Hindmarsh Hotel Bowden, 1923-1924 Woodville Hotel Woodville as Mrs GILL, 1926-1930 Woodville Hotel Woodville as Mrs GILL, 1940-1941 Woodville Hotel Woodville as Mrs GILL, 1902-1904 Tea Tree Gully Hotel Tea Tree Gully with Annie M Worgan, 1945-1948 Britannia Hotel Norwod with Lindsay Neil Bedson, 1921-1928 Criterion Hotel Pt Adelaide with Angus McCaulay, 1904-1906 Tea Tree Gully Hotel Tea Tree Gully, 1949-1952 Tower Hotel Magill with Mary Joan Madigan, 1924-1925 Federal Hotel McKenzie Landing Denial Bay, 1881-1881 Earl of Aberdeen Hotel Hanson St, m 7/4/1868 St Andrew Walkerville, publican Caroline Martha nee Lake, 1852-1855 White Hart Inn Aberdeen Hotel founder, 1920-1921 Yorke Valley Hotel Maitland with Roy Magor, 1920-1921 Yorke Valley Hotel Maitland with John Magor, 1865-1868 Finnis Vale Hotel Finniss Vale [Second Valley], 1869-1875 Railway Hotel Saddleworth Hotel founder, 1877-1885 Magors Royal Exchange Hotel Pt Pirie Hotel founder, 1908-1910 Gawler Belt Hotel Gawler Belt [Willaston], 1926-1926 Overway Hotel Hindley St with William James Mahon, 1926-1926 Overway Hotel Hindley St with Lawrence Abraham Mahon, 1928-1928 Davenport Arms Hotel Macclesfield, 1939-1943 Great Northern Hotel Hergott Springs, 1866-1867 Duke of Wellington Inn Waterloo Hotel founder, 1859-1864 Everley Inn Everleigh [Tin Pot], 1854-1857 Everley Inn Everleigh [Tin Pot] Hotel founder, gentleman Adelaide [purchased from Robert Hall] assigned the lease of the Clarendon Hotel, Hindley St, to Salvatore Guidici 1849 M. Born Maravinside, Co Stirling, Scotland Died Glen Osmond SA. valuation and plan type reference numbers. Died Franklin [Cheltenham] SA. 1864-1864 Marrabel Hotel Marrabel Hotel founder. 1912-1915 Duke of York Hotel Currie St with her sister Mrs Margaret Daly, 1888-1889 Australian Clubhouse Hotel Pt Adelaide. 1858-1866 Tam OShanter Hotel Magrath Flat Hotel founder, 1866-1868 Langhorne Bridge Hotel Langhorne Creek, 1868-1892 Tam OShanter Hotel Magrath Flat. Were they at Gallipoli? Codes of practice are there to encourage responsible attitudes towards and minimise the harm associated with liquor including: Intoxication guidelines plain English version (PDF 180KB), Intoxication guidelines for bar staff (PDF 208KB). Mr Morton, the popular landlord of the Southern Cross, has disposed of the lease of his hotel He entered the Southern Cross with very little superfluous cash, and by a management that is quite unique, so far as the history of Adelaide is concerned, he has succeeded in making a moderate fortune in an incredibly short space of time. 1872-1874 Railway Hotel North Tce Hotel closed. Did he come to SA per the Harpley? Parents Patrick McBride & Ann nee KELLY, m 22/5/1876 St Aloysius Sevenhill, publican Honora nee ODonoghue. m perhaps marriage not registered publican Mary Ann nee Haarsma. Likewise if you would like a record posted to your address. Apparently not Born SA. Was aware that her husband had attempted suicide four or five times prior to his being found drowned. m (2) 1/12/1909 Holy Trinity Adelaide, Heard Robert Lane (//c1870-//), Child Eileen May Madden b 26/11/1902 Adelaide. NRS 14401, reels 5049-5062, 1236. Liquor and gaming public register. Availability and access will vary from council to council. State Records Authority of New South Wales, Kingswood, New South Wales, Australia. m 10/3/1884 Presbyterian Manse Mt Barker, Margaret Ann Gollan nee LAIDLAW (30/3/1863-//) Parents Thomas Laidlaw &, 1872-1874 Belvidere Hotel Belvidere Hundred of Bremer, 1874-1880 Wellington Inn Wellington/Murray, 1882-1890 Railway Hotel Solomontown Pt Pirie. 1866-1867 Pichi Richi Inn Pichi Richi Pass Hotel founder, 1941-1941 Davenport Arms Hotel Macclesfield, 1872-1873 Kangaroo Inn Gillap Reedy Creek, 1890-1892 Murraytown Hotel Murraytown Hotel founder, 1854-1854 Shamrock and Thistle Hotel Clare Hotel founder, m perhaps (2) 12/8/1868 Groom residence Globe Inn Mt Gambier, Catherine nee MURRAY (//c1840-//) Parents John Murray &, 1870-1871 Gatehouse Hotel near Penola with James Childs, 1922-1923 Maylands Hotel Maylands with Mrs Louisa Eveline Isobel Heise his mother-in-law. 1959-1960 Royal Exchange Hotel Burra North. Bought some Crown land on the southern side of Naracoorte Creek built a general store towards the end of 1849 which he employed Duncan McRae to manage, and also a single storey weatherboard inn which he opened in 1850 and ran himself.
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