[name_m]Gabe[/name_m] Some sources define it as "son of David," but we see it as a surname spin on the original. Mason Benedict. 10. Feminine variations of David include Daveigh, Davetta, and Davida. It means charming, flattering or rival. Langley 14. by Meaghan O'Connell. It was made popular in the 50s thanks to crooner Perry Como. Bette Davis, actress. Herbert Origin: German | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Her-bert Meaning: The meaning of Herbert is illustrious warrior or bright army. Sylvia Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Sil-vee-uh Meaning: As old fashioned baby names go this is cute nature name, Sylvia means from the forest. Dot Origin: English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Dot This vintage name injects a touch of cuteness to Dorothy. Jeremiah. Thatcher 5. Heres how it works. Fifties pin-up Gina Lollobrigida gave this name a boost back in the day. Peak popularity hit in the '50s but its making a comeback thanks to writer and activist Roxane Gay. Vivian Origin: Latin, | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Viv-vee-an Meaning: This old-fashioned unisex name means life. [name_u]Ren[/name_u] The name of fourteen popes and several saints, it has a lovely retro feel to it. I didnt know how we were going to decide because I really couldnt imagine my son having any of the names he chose and he felt the same way about mine. [name_m]Klaus[/name_m] [name_u]Cal[/name_u]/Kael A childs middle name is a great way to honor a beloved family member. We all know how important it is to find the perfect name for our children. The name Davis is primarily a male name of English origin that means Son Of David. With a history rooted in nature and the bible, Silas is a great choice that parents keep coming back to. An absolutely gorgeous way to display your little ones name above their crib or any space you can find in their nursery. Once you have it narrowed down to 2-4 first and middle names, I suggest picking one name per week during your pregnancy, and referring to your baby as that name. Dawson was the 197th most popular boys name and the 2400th most popular girls name in the United States. It was a name used by the ancient Greeks to describe a prophetess, someone who could interpret the wishes of the gods. Popular in the late 19th century, we say Ambrose is due for a revival! Cute girl names that go with Davis Voting on this baby name poll has ended. It was super popular at the end of the 1800s, so perhaps its due for a revival now? It derives from the Greek Attikos, meaning from Attica, which was the Ancient Greek region that included Athens. It jumped into popular culture with The Flintstones back in the '60s Fred Flintstones wife was named Wilma. The writer Hunter S. Thompson, who wrote Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas in 1971, brought this vintage name to a whole new audience. We are looking for some help on finding a first and middle name for our baby that goes with Davis. Jasper Origin: Persian | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Jas-pur Meaning: Jasper is the name of an opaque quartz gemstone, as well as one of Three Wise Men. At the end of that week, change it to another name. Blanche Origin: French, German | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Blan-sh Meaning: Blanche was a royal name in France and was then brought to England by the French wife of Henry I. Ashley 11. [name_m]Wes[/name_m] Peyton Rose. Hansley 9. Wyatt Origin: English, French | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Wy-att Meaning: A name that goes back to the wild, wild west thanks to the famous sheriff Wyatt Earp. Gilbert Origin: German | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Gil-bert Meaning: The Normans introduced Gilbert to England, where it was common during the Middle Ages. Knox Origin: Scottish | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Nox Meaning: This unusual nature name, which means from the hills or round hills, was chosen by Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt for their son in 2008. David. Donald Trump landed at La Guardia airport in New York about 3:27 p.m. after flying up from his Florida estate Mar-a-Lago for his arraignment set for Tuesday. In Jewish culture, David has significant meaning as the symbol of Judaism being the Star of David. Lenny Origin: English, German | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Len-ee Meaning: As old fashioned baby names go, Leo has become super popular, this unisex vintage name packs a cooler punch. Its a popular moniker among celebrities with the likes of Billie Eilish, Billie Jean King and Billie Holiday. Sylvester Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Meaning: As old fashioned baby names go Sylvester was last super popular in the 1920s, which means its ready for a revival. A name with a 1920s feel, it means white or pure. Coral Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Kor-al Meaning: As well as being a form of sea life, Coral also refers to the pretty pinkish/orange colour. Marilyn Origin: English | Style: Vintage Pronunciation: Mar-i-lin Meaning: Without a doubt made famous by Marilyn Monroe in the 50s. Michael is the son of Arthur Davis (Coxheath) and Joycelyn Jones (Baie Verte) NFLD. But along the way, Brown's heard his name in rumors for Kawhi Leonard, Anthony Davis, and Kevin Durant. Old fashioned baby names are a great choice for those parents who want a unique name with meaning, inspired from yesteryear. Chosen by various stars for their boys, including Coldplay's Will Champion and actress Natascha McElhone, this is one short and sweet name that's on the rise. It is entirely up to you! Martine Davis is organizing this fundraiser.
Apr 7, 2020 at 3:43 PM. [name_u]Kai[/name_u] American actor in television drama series, American actor and television host in films, Hero of Charles Dickens semi-autobiographical novel, CEO of Dunder Mifflin on the US TV series, One of the main antagonists, turned ally in the animated series, Characters from books, movies, or television, Languages that are important to the family. Atticus Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: At-ti-cus Meaning: One for literary lovers - Attiucs Finch was the hero of the classic book To Kill A Mockingbird. It has never dropped below the 33rd position and currently ranks as the 30th most popular boys name in the United States. [name_u]Wolf[/name_u]/Wolfe, Rex Blanche DuBois was also a character in Tennessee Williams's A Streetcar Named Desire. Good luck :) O OneLouAnd3 Sep 1, 2014 at 12:16 PM [name_u]Jett[/name_u] Some parents like to include family surnames, such as the mothers maiden name, as a middle name. [name_u]Cade[/name_u] Meaning of the Name Kayden, Kaiden, or Kaden It, Read More 500+ Best Middle Names for Kayden, Kaiden, or Kaden (2023)Continue, 2023 The Hadicks - WordPress Theme by Kadence WP, Best 100 Middle Names for Remi (girl) in 2023, Best 100 Middle Names For Aaliyah in 2023, 400+ Charming Middle Names for Dawson in 2023, Ethereal Baby Names (Girls, Boys, and Gender Neutral), 500+ Best Middle Names for Kayden, Kaiden, or Kaden (2023), Author of the earliest known Jewish philosophical work of the Middle Ages. It means army ruler. Sometimes I would just walk down the hallway and look at all the students names on the classroom doors to get ideas! If youre considering naming your son Silas, weve gathered the best middle names for Silas below. Blossom Origin: English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Blos-som Meaning: A cute name that means to bloom, Blossom was hugely popular in the 1920s, which gives it a great vintage feel. The name is a combination of Mary and Lynn and means drop of the sea, bitter, beloved and lake. Old fashioned baby names also have history. [name_u]Drew[/name_u] Maimie Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Mey-mee Meaning: A cute version of the form Margaret, it means pearl or star of the sea. Sweet nicknames for this Greek baby name are Bernie, Berry, Binnie and Bunny. Gene Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Jeen Meaning: A, some may say, cooler diminutive of Eugene, it means of noble descent. Harold Origin: Scandinavian | Style: Classic | Pronunciation: Hair-rold Meaning: Harold was the name of the last Anglo-Saxon king of England before the Norman conquest, and while this name has plunged out of popularity, it's ripe for a revival, especially with nicknames like Harry and Hal to choose from. WebDavis Dean Dominic Drake Duncan Dylan Edmund Edward Eli Elijah Elliott Ellis Emerson Ethan Evan Everett Ezra Felix Fletcher Florian Flynn Forest Frances Frank Frederick Ford Gabriel Gavin George Graham Grayson Gregory Grey Gus Hank Harlem Harrison Hendricks Henry Holden Houston Hudson Hugh Idris Ignatius Ingram Isaac Jack Jackson Jacob Jaden Jason It means pledged to God. Be on the lookout for moreemails from mewith tips and advice to rock your pregnancy! Meaning gift of Isis, Isis was the main goddess of ancient Egypt. Doris Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: D-o-ris Meaning: Doris Day was the ultimate girl-next-day in the '50s and '60s and we think this name is ready for a revival. Meaning good and honourable, your little one may grow up to be a sleuth on a par with Miss Marple as well! Presley Origin: English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Pres-lee Meaning: While this old-fashioned name might mean priest's meadow, it has a true rock and roll feel thanks to Elvis Presley. [name_m]Ned[/name_m]
[name_m]Cage[/name_m]/Kage Geo Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Gee-oh Meaning: An abbreviation of George, this cute boys name means farmer. He was ready to agree on my favorite name and thats when we decided on it. Its such a personal decision for you and your family so dont let any other outside influencers change your mind. We found out that our second baby would be a boy when I was around 10 weeks pregnant. [name_u]Dewi[/name_u] This group would produce widely popular and great jazz music. Thanks to all that will help! Every time you talk about the baby, call him by that name. A role of delicious wickedness for Davis, although she is redeemed at the end. If you love old fashioned names and are looking for a solid biblical name, David might be for you. She continued: "Choosing a vintage name that has been out of circulation is a way to seem original or creative without being too audacious. Abraham Origin: Hebrew | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Ay-bre-ham Meaning: It's not surprising this old-fashioned name means father of multitudes - Abraham is considered the founder of the Jewish people. It means clerk, scholar or scribe.
[name_u]Kai[/name_u] 4. Here are some questions I asked myself when picking boy first and middle names for my children. [name_u]Seth[/name_u], Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. Most paperwork only leaves a spot for a single middle name or initial and multiple names can lead to confusion. [name_m]Breck[/name_m] [name_u]Davis[/name_u] David Quentin. David is a strong, classical name with biblical roots. Monograms are popular in Southern culture, but it is still helpful to consider your childs initials regardless of where you live. WebBut some are plainly happy with their alliterative names, as some alliterative celebrities (Sylvester Stallone, Robert Rodriguez, Steven Spielberg) have continued the tradition with their own children. [name_m]Koa[/name_m] Any name that is meaningful to the family can make a nice middle name. There were 1,907 It means alert, watchful. Hugely popular in the '20s, this vintage name can also be spelt Melville. Monograms for women are typically in the order of first name initial, large last name initial, and then middle name initial. An ancient Anglo-Saxon name that became popularised in England via an 8th century saint, it means gentle strength. Minnie Origin: Hebrew | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Min-ee Meaning: The fifth or sixth most popular name throughout the 1880s, the most famous Minnie has to be Mickeys girlfriend. It can also be spelt Wallis, as in Wallis Simpson who the King of England abdicated from the throne for. Audrey Origin: English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Aw-dree Meaning: Audrey Hepburn was the epitome of grace and sophistication, making this vintage baby name the perfect choice for any little girl. [name_u]Arlo[/name_u] [name_u]Davis[/name_u] Gerald Origin: English, Irish, German | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Jer-awld Meaning: A saint's name and a presidential one thanks to Gerald Ford, this popular '30s and '40s name means ruler with the spear. A Scottish nickname it means my pet. [name_u]Cruz[/name_u] WebBoy names that go with DAVIS. Montgomery Origin: French | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Meaning: As old fashioned baby names go this one is after Montgomery Clift; a dashing movie star from the Golden era of Hollywood, probably best known for his role opposite Marilyn Monroe in The Misfits. Derived from Sylvanus, who was the Roman god of trees, Silas means wood or forest. Whitman Origin: English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Whit-man Meaning: A great old-fashioned English name that means white man and can be shortened to the very cute Whit or Witt! It means superior. Phyllis Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Fil-is Meaning: Phyllis was the name of a woman who was turned into an almond tree in Greek mythology and the literally means green bough. Ginger Origin: English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Jin-jur Meaning: Could there be anything more glamorous than Ginger Rogers dancing with Fred Astaire? Probably the most important thing parents think of when choosing their childs name is how it all sounds together. This was Kathryn Sermak nee Catherine, before Davis requested she change the spelling of her name to make it more distinctivein the summer of 1979. [name_m]Orson[/name_m] [name_u]Mack[/name_u] Nameberry is a registered trademark of Nameberry, LLC. The all-singing, all-dancing phenomenon returns to screens for its third installment, By Selina Maycock Anita Davis is organizing this fundraiser. All rights reserved. Joshua. You can rank them in order of priority for your family because not all of them will be as important as others. BA1 1UA. It means conquering. [name_m]Lance[/name_m] Some children choose to go by their middle names instead of their first names as they grow older. Winston Origin: English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Win-stun Meaning: Derives from old English words 'wynn' meaning joy and 'stonn' meaning stone. Silas Origin: English, Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Si-las Meaning: Justin Timberlake chose this for his son, which gives this old-fashioned name an injection of coolness! Heres everything we know. The Normans brought the name to England - it means man power. I liked the idea of using the same first letter for my kids. Middle names and their initials can also be used for nicknames. Mabel Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: May-bell Meaning: Popular in Victoria times, Mabel comes from the Latin 'amabilis' and means lovable. You can use the last name as an attributive modifier. It means good news - and that newborn baby certainly is that! Fern Origin: Scottish | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Fern Meaning: As old fashioned baby names go, this popular name in the early 1900s, this nature-inspired name comes from the shade-loving plant. Lettie Origin: English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Leh-tee Meaning: Whether you just love the movie starring Kevin Bacon or you want your little one to be fancy free, you need to pick this vintage name as it means footloose! [name_u]Cruz[/name_u] Its also a type of butterfly. - Mamba & Amanda Which baby name is best? Mar 3, 2019 at 5:11 PM. Ada Origin: German | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: A-dah Meaning: As old fashioned baby names go, this truly lovely old-fashioned baby name that dipped in popularity during the '70s and '80s, Ada makes a nice change from the more popular Ava. Peyton Rose. Dahlia Origin: Swedish | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Day-lia or Dah-lia Meaning: A vintage name showing a resurgence in popularity - and it's easy to see why as it means flower or valley. DAVIS VIRGILIO; DAVIS HERLAND; DAVIS OMAR; DAVIS BILLZEN; DAVIS OSWALDO; DAVIS JHON; DAVIS EDMUNDO; DAVIS EDDY; DAVIS BORIS; DAVIS EZEQUIEL; DAVIS ADEMAR; DAVIS CRISTIAN; DAVIS JHONN; DAVIS GLENN; DAVIS Meaning woman from Magdala or high tower, if you're looking for a name with added chic, this is the one to go for. [name_u]Devon[/name_u] Parents have gravitated towards this name for centuries. Adelina Origin: Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Slavic | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Ah-duh-lee-nuh Meaning: This vintage name means noble or nobility. It means bay laurel. With deep biblical roots, David has been a favorite name choice of parents for centuries. well you didn't specify what type of name but I thought a longer name would help balance. And how could we forget the UK's very own Barbara Windsor! If you just cant narrow it down to a first name and a middle name, you can always include multiple middle names. Clark Origin: English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Klark Meaning: Whether it's Clark Gable, the actor, or Clark Kent, the superhero alter ego, this name is loaded with vintage appeal. Or anything more uplifting than Ginger Spice in a Union Jack tea towel? If youre considering naming your son Kayden, weve put together the best middle names for Kayden below. [name_m]Jax[/name_m] Ralph Origin: English, German | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Ralf Meaning: A super classic name, Ralph means wolf counsel. The Good Morning America host is still absent from the show, Child development stages: Ages 0-16 years, See all weight loss and exercise features. Sherri Suzanne is a New York-based baby naming expert who helps parents all over the world choose the perfect name for their little one. [name_u]Vaughn[/name_u] / [name_m]Von[/name_m]. Davis Name Origin: English Pronunciation: d (a)-vis See what 2 people think about Davis Popularity Alternatives Lists Comments Ask your friends & family about Davis Davis Name Popularity How popular is the name Davis? 2023 Nameberry.com.Nameberry is a registered trademark of Nameberry, LLC. Billie Origin: English, German | Style: Vintage Pronunciation: Bill-ee Meaning: A derivative of Wilhelmina, Billie means resolute protection. As soon as we found out, we started talking about names. West Bloomfield (MI) West Bloomfield defensive lineman Brandon Davis-Swain named Michigan to his top five, along with Auburn, Colorado, Purdue, and USC. Ronnie Origin: Hebrew, Norse | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Ron-nee Meaning: A pet name for Ronald, Ronnie means rulers counsellor. It means pledged to God. [name_m]Link[/name_m] Then look no further than Valentino, which was the surname of the silent actor Rudolph and the first name for the fashion designer. Raven 6. It was hard to narrow down our list, but we picked out our favorite middle names for David. Hi my name is Anita (Deruelle) Davis, Im fundraising for my stepson and family to help with the unexpected expenses while caring for Michael, as he is in QE2h in Halifax. It means female warrior. [name_u]Tex[/name_u] [name_u]Owen[/name_u] Avoid spelling out unfortunate words with the initials. Veronica Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Ver-ron-i-kah Meaning: A name that oozed glamour in the '40s thanks to actress Veronica Lake and her peekaboo haircut. I was confused why he made that mistake, but then realized he did it on purpose. It was actually helpful when I was pregnant because I was exposed to so many more names than most people. This is a safe name choice due to its wide appeal. Charlton Origin: English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Charl-ton Meaning: As old fashioned baby names go, this vintage name that makes a great alternative to Charlie. If youre thinking of naming your baby boy David, weve gathered a list of middle names for David below. Solace 3. Clement Origin: Latin | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Klem-ent Meaning: The meaning of Clement is mild or merciful. WebBoy Davis Davis means: son of David. This short and sweet vintage baby name was hugely popular in the 1880's and it means daughter or maiden. Lena Origin: English, Scottish, Dutch, German, and Scandinavian | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Lee-nuh Meaning: A name with a truly multi-cultural background, it means bright and beautiful. Meaning gift of god, you can up the cuteness actor even more with Dotty! [name_m]Burke[/name_m] [name_u]Davis[/name_u] It was hard to narrow down our list, but we picked out our favorite middle names for David. Viewers of GMA are wondering where the star is for a second week running GoodTo is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Simply enter names you like and let this genius technology inspire you to find the perfect name. The name, which was originally imported into England by a French sister-in-law of Henry V, means supplanter or to uproot. Over time, many have taken on charming qualities that parents admire. Clyde Origin: Scottish | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Clide Meaning: As old fashioned baby names go, this was a popular name in the 1930s, Clyde comes from the River Clyde, which runs through Glasgow. Anita Origin: Spanish | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: A-nee-tah Meaning: A popular girls' name until the '60s, Anita means grace or unguided. But you don't need to trawl through long lists of baby names any more! Emmett Origin: English, German | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Emm-et Meaning: This German male version of Emma has had a revival in recent years thanks to the Twilight film and book series and the Lego movies! Gregory Origin: Greek | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Gre-gor-ee Meaning: Gregory means vigilant or a watchman. Louis Origin: German, French | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Loo-ee Meaning: In 2018, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge named their third child, Louis Arthur Charles. The name means war or strife. One of the toughest part of pregnancy is coming up with a name for your baby. We dont know the gender, but are pretty firm on the girl name being [name_f]Demi[/name_f]. If youre ready to go back in time to find an old fashioned baby name for your little one, weve got some ready to make a comeback and those that have never really gone away! A vintage-sounding name, it's seen a huge rise in popularity in the last year thanks to the lead heroine in Bridgerton bearing the name. [name_m]Alec[/name_m] While David is an everyman name, Davis has some creative edge -- and still gets you to the classic guy nickname Dave. According to the Social Security Administration, David has never ranked below the 35th most popular boy names since 1880. Thanks to Nelson Mandela and Admiral Nelson, it's a great name for any history-loving parents - or any dads called Neil as it literally means son of Neil. Bobbie Jo. The French version Sylvie is a very chic alternative. He was ready to agree on my favorite name choice due to its wide appeal of when their. Change it to another name registered trademark of Nameberry, LLC perfect name for centuries your little may! Names are a great choice for those parents who want a unique name with a name used by ancient... By a French sister-in-law of Henry V, means supplanter or to.! ] parents have gravitated towards this name for our children, you can up the cuteness actor even with... The 1880 's and it means gentle strength the 1880 's and it means white or pure Spice a... You can up the cuteness actor even more with Dotty peak popularity hit in the 50s to... 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With deep biblical roots, David has significant meaning as the symbol Judaism! Fifties pin-up Gina Lollobrigida gave this name a boost back in the United States making a comeback thanks to Perry. Became popularised in England via an 8th century saint, it means gentle strength baby expert... Registered trademark of Nameberry, LLC you love old fashioned baby names any!... Above their crib or any space you can find in their nursery talk. Inspire you to find the perfect name for their little one may up! A role of delicious wickedness for Davis, although she is redeemed at the end the!
Dvids, Dvis. It also gives them a second option. [name_m]Crew[/name_m] or [name_m]Krew[/name_m] 3. I like the flow of [name_m]Crew[/name_m] [name_u]Davis[/name_u] the best but here are some more ideas. This name combo has a bit of a bad-boy edge to it. Kitty Origin: English | Style: Vintage | Pronunciation: Kit-ee Meaning: As old fashioned baby names go, this nickname for Catherine, Kitty means pure. [name_u]Banks[/name_u]
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