Sadler, Virginia, 1980, Professor Emeritus of Art and Design; BFA, University of Texas, 1970; MFA, Indiana University, 1974. Homer, John, 2009, Associate Professor of Computer Science; BS, Harding University, 2002; MS, Kansas State University, 2006; PhD, Kansas State University, 2009. A recent Staff Bulletin article provided suggestions for assessment design to help mitigate the impact of generative AI tools and summarised assessment design and feedback resources available to staff at ACU. Drennan, Jerry D., 1963-98, Professor Emeritus of Industrial Technology; BSEd, ACU, 1959; MEd, University of North Texas, 1963; DEd, Texas A&M University, 1970. Huddleston, Andrew, 2012, Assistant Professor of Teacher Education; BA, ACU, 2000, MEd, Texas Tech University, 2002, PhD, University of Georgia, 2012. Let us point you in the right direction. Pope, Don N., 2000, Associate Professor of Management Sciences; BS, Oklahoma Christian University, 1975; MEngr, Texas A&M University, 1976; PhD, Texas A&M University, 1980. Green, Robert, 1985, Professor of Art and Design; BFA, ACU, 1979; MFA, University of Nebraska, 1983. Hutson, Christopher R., 2010, Associate Professor of Bible, Missions and Ministry; Associate Dean for Academics, College of Biblical Studies; BA, Lipscomb University, 1983; MA; University of Cincinnati, 1987; MDiv, Yale Divinity School, 1989; MA, MPhil, Yale University, 1993; PhD, Yale University, 1998. Mrz 2023 ] Lage - 23.03.2023 - Marc und Frank Allgemein Yarema, Allan, 1999, Associate Professor of History; BA, East Texas State University, 1988; MA, East Texas State University, 1992; MS, East Texas State University, 1993; EdD, Texas A&M University- Commerce, 1997; MAG, Texas State University, 2003. Morris, Heidi, 2006, Adjunct, Marriage and Family Studies; BA, ACU, 1998; MA, ACU, 2000; PhD, Texas Womans University, 2008.
Maxwell, Jack, 1984, Professor of Art and Design; BFA, ACU, 1978; BSEd, ACU, 1978; MFA, University of Tennessee, 1981. McAnulty, David P., 2009, Associate Professor of Psychology and Director of Clinical Training; BA, Harding University 1981; MA, Louisiana State University, 1984; PhD, Louisiana State University, 1986. Guild, Sonny, 1999, Adjunct, Bible, Missions and Ministry; BA, Harding University, 1966; MDiv, ACU, 1969; DMin, ACU, 1996. Fair, Ian A., 1978, Adjunct, New Testament, Graduate School of Theology; BA, ACU, 1968; BA Honors Degree, University of Natal (South Africa), 1972; PhD, University of Natal, 1974. Clements, Curtis E., 2005, Associate Professor of Accounting and Finance; BS, Harding University, 1985; MS, Harding University, 1986; PhD, Texas A&M University, 1999. In addition to our Psychology on-campus, we offer a bachelors program for those students that need to take their courses when it is convenient for them. Perkins, T. Scott, 1988, Professor of Psychology; BS, Harding University, 1980; MS, Pennsylvania State University, 1984; PhD, Pennsylvania State University, 1988. Davis, Kristina, 2005, Assistant Professor of Communication; BS, ACU, 1999; MA, ACU, 2001, PhD, Texas A&M University, 2009. Beck, Richard, 1998, Professor and Chair of Psychology; BS, ACU, 1989; MS, ACU, 1994; PhD, Southern Methodist University, 1997. Willis, John T., 1971, Burton Coffman Chair for Biblical Studies and Professor Emeritus of Bible, Missions and Ministry; BA, ACU, 1955; MA, ACU, 1956; PhD, Vanderbilt University, 1966. Atkinson, Melissa D., 2000, Assistant Professor of Library Science and E-Collections and Web Services Librarian; BS, ACU, 1994; MLS, University of North Texas, 2000. Robbins, Donald E., 1998, Adjunct, Physics; BA, Texas Christian University, 1960; PhD, University of Houston, 1969. Shewmaker, Jennifer W., 2002, Professor of Psychology, Associate Dean of Teaching and Learning, and Executive Director of the Adams Center; BS, ACU, 1992; PhD, Texas Womans University, 1996. Crisp, Brad, 2006, Associate Professor of Information Systems and Director of the School of Information Technology and Computing; BBA, ACU, 1993; MBA, University of Texas, 1998; PhD, University of Texas, 2003. Professor Greene has an extensive background in musculoskeletal health with a particular focus on children and adolescents. Sadler, Michael, 1979, Professor of Physics; BS, Texas Tech University, 1971; MS, Indiana University, 1974; PhD, Indiana University, 1977. Stewart, Sam, 2008, Associate Professor of Teacher Education; BA, Harding University, 1997; MS, Arkansas State University, 1985; EdD, William Howard Taft University, 2007. Lytle, Richard S., 1991, Professor of Management Sciences; BBA, Harding University, 1980; MBA, Oklahoma State University, 1983; PhD, Arizona State University, 1994. Teaching Faculty. Find teaching and academic staff across exercise science, public health, psychology and science, or search using our staff directory. Kang-Hamilton, Samjung, 2002, Adjunct, Graduate School of Theology; BA, Seoul Christian University, 1984; MRE, ACU, 1988; EdM, Columbia University, 1991; EdD, Columbia University, 1992. Apply; Inquire; Visit; Give; About. Ferguson, Everett, 1962-90, LeMoine G. Lewis Professor Emeritus of Church History, Distinguished Scholar-in-Residence; BA, ACU, 1953; MA, ACU, 1954; STB, Harvard Divinity School, 1956; PhD, Harvard University, 1960. Roggendorff, Paul, 2009, Assistant Professor of Language and Literature; BA, University of Texas, 1993; BS, Institute for Christian Studies, 1994; MA, University of Memphis, 1996; PhD, University of Kentucky - Lexington, 2012. Mendenhall, Doug, 2008, Assistant Professor of Journalism and Mass Communications; BA, ACU, 1982; MS, Middle Tennessee State University, 2003; Ph.D., Texas Tech University, 2014. Mitchell, Dan, 1982, Artist Teacher, Music; BMEd, ACU, 1967; MA, East Texas State University, 1972. Mrz 2023 ] acu psychology staff Allgemein blacksmiths arms menu [ 24. Find teaching and academic staff across physiotherapy, social work, speech pathology and occupational therapy, or search using our staff directory. Ashby, Jon, 1972-04, Professor Emeritus of Communication Sciences and Disorders; AA, Ohio Valley College, 1962; BSEd, ACU, 1964; MA, Louisiana State University, 1966; PhD, Louisiana State University, 1972. Teel, Allen, 1985, Professor of Music; BMEd, West Texas A&M University, 1983; MM, Texas Tech University, 1985; DMA, University of Georgia, 1994. Weaver, John, 2011, Professor of Library Science and Dean of the Library and Educational Technology; BA, University of Arkansas, 1995; MA, University of Chicago Divinity School, 1998; MLIS, University of South Carolina, 2004; PhD, Emory University, 2004. Phillips, Mark, 2004, Professor and Chair of Management Sciences; BS, ACU, 1988; MS, Purdue University, 1989; PhD, Oklahoma State University, 2004. Gibson, Kelli Bryant, 2015, Assistant Professor of Historical Theology, Graduate School of Theology; BA, ACU, 2004, MDiv, ACU, 2007, MPhil, University of Oxford, in progress. Brown, Edward M., 1955-93, Professor Emeritus of Communication; BA, ACU, 1949; MA, ACU, 1958; PhD, University of Oklahoma, 1971. Harper, Preston F., 1965-07, Professor Emeritus of English; BA, ACU, 1959; MA, University of Texas, 1962; PhD, Texas Christian University, 1972. Jergins, Janet, 1996, Adjunct, Marriage and Family Studies; BS, Lubbock Christian University, 1976; MMFT, ACU, 1988. Patrick, D. Michael, 1996, Adjunct, Bible, Missions and Ministry; BA, Hardin-Simmons University, 1971; MDiv, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1974; DMin, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1986. MA, West Texas A&M University, 2014. Barton, Gay, 1990-04, Assistant Professor Emerita and James W. Culp Distinguished Professor of English; BA, ACU, 1968; MA, ACU, 1990; PhD, Baylor University, 1999. August 21st, 2023 Austin, Lynette, 2008, Associate Professor of Communication Sciences and Disorders; BS, ACU, 1985; MA, ACU, 1987; PhD, University of Houston, 2007. Broderick, Geoffrey, 1999, Associate Professor of Art and Design; BFA, ACU, 1982; MFA, Southern Illinois University, 1985. Vardiman, Phillip D., 2002, Professor of Management Sciences; BS, ACU, 1976; MBA, University of Mary Hardin-Baylor, 1992; PhD, Texas A&M University, 2001. Camp, Jonathan W., 2007, Associate Professor of Communication; BA, Harding University, 1995; MDiv, Harding University Graduate School of Religion, 1999; DMin, ACU, 2007; PhD, The University of Memphis, 2008. Green, Bo, 1972-10, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics; BA, ACU, 1964; MS, Purdue University, 1966; PhD, Purdue University, 1968. Piersall, Paul, 1986-12, Professor Emeritus of Music; BA, Central Washington University, 1965; MA, Central Washington University, 1968; DMA, University of Oregon, 1971. Phillips, Laura, 2005, Associate Professor of Management Sciences; BS, ACU 1988; MS, Purdue University, 1989; PhD, Capella University, 2005. Australian Catholic University acknowledges the traditional custodians of the lands on which we live and work, and we pay our respects to Elders both past and present. Professor Peter Wilson Professor (Psychology) Email Phone +613 9953 3445 Organisational Area Faculty of Health Sciences Department School of Behavioural and Health Sciences (VIC) Location Melbourne Building 403 - The Daniel Mannix Building (8-14 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy VIC 3065)-Level 5-Room5.27 Biographical Information Bane, Annie, 2015, Instructor of Kinesiology and Nutrition; BS, ACU, 2007; MS, Baylor University, 2010. Acalog Academic Catalog Management System (ACMS).
Smith, Rachel, 2013, Instructor of Communication Sciences and Disorders ACU-Dallas, BA, ACU, 1998; MS, ACU, 2001. Moore, Steven T., 2000, Associate Professor of Language and Literature; BA, University of Wisconsin-Parkside,1994; MA, University of Nebraska, 1996; PhD, University of Nebraska, 2007. Associations: National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). More recently, Professor Greene has broadened his research interests to include clinical populations such as people with multiple sclerosis, obese adolescents, and people with auto-immune diseases. McQueen, Julie, 2000-2017, Instructor Emerita of Developmental Mathematics; BS, ACU, 1979; MEd, ACU, 1986. Stewart, Jonathan, 1996, Professor of Accounting and Finance; BS, Lubbock Christian University, 1990; MBA, Texas Tech University, 1991; PhD, Texas Tech University, 1996. Hailey, Mel, 1979, Professor of Political Science; BA, ACU, 1970; MA, Texas Tech University, 1973; PhD, Texas Tech University, 1988. Morris, Jason, 1996, Associate Professor of Education and Dean of the Honors College; BA, Pepperdine University, 1994; MS, ACU, 1996; EdD, Texas Tech University, 2002. Arrington, Jeff E., 1989, Associate Professor of Engineering and Physics, Director of Engineering, Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences; BS, ACU, 1982; MEEE, University of Utah, 1984; EE, University of Utah, 1986; PhD, University of Utah, 1989. Flanders, Cara, 2006, Adjunct, Marriage and Family Studies; BS, Harding University, 1988; MMFT, ACU, 1992. Copyright HOME; ABOUT US; SOLUTIONS. Lipps, Alan J., 2007, Associate Professor of Social Work; BS, ACU, 1993; MMFT, ACU, 1996; MSSW, University of Texas-Arlington, 1999; PhD, University of Texas-Arlington, 2002. Morris, Paul Edwin, 1975, Professor of Physics; BS, ACU, 1966; PhD, Texas Christian University, 1971. Salkil, Sara, 2016, Assistant Professor Marriage and Family Therapy; BS Oklahoma State University, 1999; M.MFT, ACU 2006; PhD, Texas Tech University, 2010. Schwiethale, Cheryl, 2004, Instructor of Mathematics; BA, Harding University, 1991; MS, Texas A&M University-Commerce, 2002. Heflin, Houston, 2009, Associate Professor of Bible, Missions, and Ministry; BS, ACU, 1995; MS, ACU, 1997; EdD, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2004. Sullivan, Slade, 2000, Adjunct, Education; BA, ACU, 1995; MA, ACU, 1997; JD, Harvard Law School, 2000. Robinson, Peter, 1999, Adjunct, Conflict Resolution; BA, University of California at San Diego, 1977; JD, Hastings College of Law, 1980. Bailey, Garry, 2007, Associate Professor of Conflict Resolution and Academic Director of Duncum Center for Conflict Resolution; BBA, ACU, 1985; MA, ACU, 1987; PhD, University of Oklahoma, 1994. Hare, Steve, 1986, Adjunct, Bible, Missions and Ministry; BS, ACU, 1972; MS, ACU, 1991. Jones, Billy Van, 1974, Professor of Psychology; BS, ACU, 1970; MA, University of Houston, 1972; PhD, University of Houston, 1974. Ashlock, Rodney, 1998, Assistant Professor and Chair of Bible, Missions and Ministry; BA, Harding University, 1987; MDiv, ACU, 1991; PhD, Baylor University, 2002. 56 likes. Dickson, Curtis, 1967-04, Professor Emeritus of Exercise Science and Health; BSEd, ACU, 1966; MEd, ACU, 1967; PhD, Texas A&M University, 1971. Faulkner, Paul, 1957-92, Professor Emeritus of Marriage and Family Institute; BS, ACU, 1952; MS, ACU, 1961; MRE, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1966; PhD, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1968.
Workshops regarding the best use of Turnitin to detect possible academic misconduct will be available in the coming weeks. Counts, Dena, 2008, Instructor of Communication and Director of Forensics; BA, ACU, 1990; MA, ACU, 2003. McCann, Forrest M., 1968-96, Professor Emeritus of English; BA, University of Florida, 1952; MA, University of Florida, 1966; PhD, Texas Tech University, 1980. McGregor, Dan, 2000, Professor of Art and Design; BA, ACU, 1997; MFA, Savannah College of Art and Design, 2000. Australian Catholic University 1998-2023 ABN 15050192660 Provider Number PRV12008 CRICOS Reg 00004G. Cukrowski, Kenneth, 1999, Associate Professor of New Testament, Graduate School of Theology and Dean of the College of Biblical Studies, BA, ACU, 1984; MA, ACU, 1985; MDiv, Yale Divinity School, 1987; STM, Yale Divinity School, 1988; PhD, Yale University, 1994. Pittman, Amanda Jo, 2016, Assistant Professor of Bible, Missions and Ministry; BA, ACU, 2009; MDiv, ACU, 2012; ThD, Duke University Divinity School. Hardegree, Eric, 1985, Professor of Chemistry; BS, ACU, 1980; MS, ACU, 1982; PhD, University of Texas, 1985. Duran, Michael, 2011, Adjunct, Theatre; BA, Loretto Heights College, 1977; MFA, Tulane University, 2011. 98th general hospital nuremberg germany. Hewett, Rachel, 2013, Instructor of Nursing, BSN, ACU, 1997; MS, Chamberlain College of Nursing, 2012. Wilson, Jonathan, 2016, Professor of Professional Studies; MBA, University of Cape Town, 1986; MPHIL, Cranfield University, 1990; PhD, University of Surrey, 2000. Rademaker, Linnea, 2016, Professor of Educational Leadership; BM, Bradley University, 1989; MM, Bradley University, 1992; PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2004. Foster, Douglas Allen, 1991, Professor of Church History, Graduate School of Theology; Director of Center for Restoration Studies; BA, David Lipscomb University, 1974; MA, Scarritt College, 1980; PhD, Vanderbilt University, 1987. Martin, Hope, 2013, Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy, BA, Lubbock Christian University, 1994; BS, Texas Tech University, 1997; MA, New York University, 2001; PhD, Texas Womans University, 2005. Merchant, Lisa, 2016, Assistant Professor of Marriage and Family Therapy; BS, Sam Houston State University, 2001; M.MFT ACU 2004, PhD, Texas Tech University, 2015. Jinkerson, Richard, 2014, Associate Professor of Engineering and Physics; BSEE, University of New Mexico, 1982; MSME, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1991. Rankin, Sharon, 1997, Assistant Professor of Language and Literature; BA, Harding University, 1986; MS, Harding University, 1987; MA, University of California at Riverside, 1989. Brokaw, Joshua M., 2009, Associate Professor of Biology; BS, ACU, 2001; MS, Oklahoma State University, 2004; PhD, Washington State University, 2009. Churchill, Craig, 1992, Associate Professor of Library Science and Theological Librarian; BS, Texas A&M University, 1987; BBS, Institute for Christian Studies, 1989; MS, ACU, 1991; MDiv, ACU, 1992; MLS, University of Texas, 1994. Hardin, Kim, 2015; Instructor of Teacher Education; BS, ACU, 2005; Med, Lubbock Christian University, 2008; PhD, Baylor University, 2016. Small, Charles D., 1977-04, Associate Professor Emeritus of Management Sciences; BS, ACU, 1954; MS, ACU, 1975; PhD, Texas A&M University, 1978. Casada, John H., 2008, Associate Professor of Psychology and University Psychiatrist; BS, ACU,1984; MS, ACU, 1985; PhD, University of Texas Health Sciences Center - Houston, 1992; MD, University of Texas Health Sciences Center - Houston, 1992. Humble, B.J., 1964-90, Professor Emeritus of Bible; BA, ACU, 1948; MA, University of Colorado, 1949; PhD, University of Iowa, 1964. Harris, Randall, 1999, Instructor of Bible, Missions and Ministry; BA, Harding University, 1979; MA and MTh, Harding University Graduate School of Religion, 1983; MPhil, Syracuse University, 1987. Hester, Adam, 1981, Professor and Assistant Chair of Theatre; BA, ACU, 1977; MFA, Trinity University, 1982. Lee, Kathleen, 2016, Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry; BS, ACU, 2006, PhD, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, 2011. Pruitt Professor of Chemistry; BS, ACU, 1980; PhD, Texas A&M University, 1984. Brooks, D. Greg, 2014, Assistant Professor of Marriage and Family Studies; BA, Harding University, 1997; MS, Harding University, 2000; PhD, University of Missouri, 2014. Chat to our team for real-time answers to your questions. Pruett, Charlie D., 1992, Associate Professor of Gerontology and Director of the Pruett Gerontology Center; BS, ACU, 1991; MS, ACU, 1992, PhD, University of North Texas, 2002. Money, Royce L., 1981, Professor of Bible, Missions and Ministry; Chancellor; BA, ACU, 1964; MDiv, ACU, 1967; PhD, Baylor University, 1975; MS, University of Nebraska, 1982. Hernndez, Patricia, 1989, Professor of Biology; BS, Texas A&I at Corpus Christi, 1975; MS, Corpus Christi State University, 1978; PhD, Texas Womans University, 1989. Hewitt, J.Darby, 2013, Assistant Professor of Engineering, BS, ACU, 2008; MS, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2010, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2013. Kennedy, Tim, 2014, Assistant professor of Engineering and Physics; BS, Texas Tech University, 2008.
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The Department of Psychology at ACU interprets the nature and needs of humankind through a biblical perspective, helping you develop practical skills and a distinctly Christian lens for understanding the fascinating complexity of human behavior. Roper, Cynthia, 1994, Professor of Communication; BS, Oklahoma Christian University, 1975; MA, ACU, 1986; PhD, University of Oklahoma, 1996. Reed, Shelly, 1995, Adjunct, Music; BS, West Virginia Institute of Technology, 1985; MM, Indiana University, 1993. Presley, Ted W., Jr., 1985-04, Assistant Professor Emeritus of Anthropology; BSE, ACU, 1968; EdM, Rutgers University, 1971; MA, ACU, 1978. Reed, Leslie, 2016, Instructor of Language and Literature; BA, Pepperdine University, 2009; MA, Vanderbilt University, 2012. Roberson, Matt, 2012, Associate Professor and Chair of Music; BA, Harding University, 1997; MM, Florida State University, 2000; PhD, Florida State University, 2006. E-Brochure; CAREERS; FAQ; CONTACT US; acu psychology staff Luttrell, William Lynn, 1980, Associate Professor of Kinesiology and Nutrition; BSEd, ACU, 1978; MSEd, Baylor University, 1980; PhD, Oregon State University, 1991. Hogue, Karen, 2011, Adjunct, Music; BM, Hardin-Simmons University, 1993; MM, Hardin-Simmons University, 1995. Team, Rachel M., 2009, Assistant Professor of Psychology, BS. Womble, Todd M., 2015, Assistant Professor of Language and Literature; BA, ACU, 2008; MA, ACU 2010; PhD, University of Texas at Arlington, 2015. Reed, Carson, 2012, Assistant Professor of Theology, Vice President for Church Relations, Executive Director of the Siburt Institute for Church Ministry, and Director of the Doctor of Ministry Program; BA, Oklahoma Christian University, 1980; MDiv, Harding School of Theology, 1988; DMin, ACU, 1995. Culp, Bill, 1997-1983, 1998-11, Professor Emeritus of Social Work; BA, Harding University, 1967; MSW, University of Arkansas of Little Rock, 1976.
For all other School lecturers, researchers and sessional staff, search or filter using our ACU staff directory. Morrison, Matthew, C., 1985-98, Professor Emeritus of Academic Advance; BA, David Lipscomb University, 1961; MA, Indiana State University, 1968; PhD, Indiana University, 1972. Brister, Jozell, 1979, Associate Professor of Management Sciences; BSEd, ACU, 1961; MEd, ACU, 1965; MS, University of North Texas, 1973. ACU At-a-Glance; Quick Facts; Campus; About Abilene, TX; Leadership; . Ordonez, Karla, 2011, Adjunct, Music; BM, Louisiana State University, 1997; MM, University of North Texas, 1999; DMA, Eastman School of Music, 2006. Ellinger, Steven, 2001, Adjunct, Art and Design; BArch, Texas Tech University, 1982. Carpenter, James, 2016, Associate Professor and Chair of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, BS, Kent State University, 1981; MS, Abilene Christian University, 1987; PhD, Texas A&M University, 1993. Altman, Donald M., 1969-90, Assistant Professor Emeritus of Management Sciences; BS, Syracuse University, 1961; MBA, University of Texas, 1965. Allison, Stephen H., 1984, Professor, Robert and Mary Ann Hall Endowed Chair of Psychology and Intercultural Studies; BS, ACU, 1976; MA, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1978; MS, Fuller Graduate School of Psychology, 1980; PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1982. Rockett, Susie, 2008, Adjunct; Music; BA, Texas Tech University, 2002; MM, Longy School of Music, 2004. Willis, John T., 1971-2017, Burton Coffman Chair for Biblical Studies and Professor Emeritus of Bible, Missions and Ministry; BA, ACU, 1955; MA, ACU, 1956; PhD, Vanderbilt University, 1966. Explore their areas of expertise, see which staff are based at your nearest campus, and look up their directory and contact information. Fowler, William E., 1991, Associate Professor of Accounting and Finance; BBA, Harding University, 1975; MS, Walsh College, 1983. Fish, Wade, 2016, Associate Professor of Educational Leadership; BBA, Baylor University, 1991; MA, University of Louisville, 1992; MEd, University of North Texas 2000; PhD, University of North Texas, 2004. Niccum, Curt, 2008, Professor of Bible, Missions and Ministry; BA, Lubbock Christian University, 1985; MDiv, ACU, 1992; PhD, University of Notre Dame, 2000.
Fry, Virgil, 2007, Adjunct, Graduate School of Theology; BA, ACU, 1975; MA, ACU, 1976; DMin, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, 1993. Delony, Mikee, 2006, Associate Professor of Language and Literature; BA, University of Houston, 1996; MA, University of Houston, 2000; PhD, University of Houston, 2007. Gray, Barbara, 1981-93, Associate Professor Emerita of Academic Advance; BS, ACU, 1945; MA, University of Texas, 1947. Campus Operator: 325-674-2000 Admissions Helpline: 800-460-6228 Speck, Beatrice, 1959-88, Professor Emerita of History; BA, Southwest Texas State University, 1939; MA, Southwest Texas State University, 1948; PhD, Texas Christian University, 1974. Varner, Jeanine, 2007, Professor and Chair of Language and Literature; BA, Oklahoma Christian University, 1973; MA, University of Tennessee, 1975; PhD, University of Tennessee, 1981. McCallon, Mark L., 1991, Associate Professor of Library Science and Assistant Director of Brown Library; BA, LeTourneau College, 1989; MLS, Texas Womans University, 1991; EdD, Baylor University, 2002. College of Health and Behavioral Sciences, All On-Campus Undergraduate Degree Programs, National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), 2023 Abilene Young, Brandon, 2008, Associate Professor of Art and Design; BS, ACU, 1997; MArch, University of Texas at Austin, 2002. Feerer, Ryan, 2010, Assistant Professor of Art and Design, AA, Art Institute of Dallas, 2002; BFA, ACU, 2005; MFA, School of Visual Arts, 2007. York, John, 2008, Adjunct, Graduate School of Theology; BA, ACU 1975; MA, ACU, 1978; MDiv, ACU, 1982; PhD, Emory University, 1989.
St. John, Karen, 2016. Rhodes, Robert, 2012, Professor of Psychology and Provost; BS, Oklahoma Christian University, 1990; PhD, University of Northern Colorado, 1994. Search for academic, research and professional staff by campus - or access all school staff via the staff directory. Lemley, Lauren, 2010, Associate Professor of Communication; BA, ACU 2005; MA, ACU 2007; Ph.D., Texas A&M University, 2010. Health Science Center, 2010. Australian Catholic University 1998-2023 ABN 15050192660 Provider Number PRV12008 CRICOS Reg 00004G. Powell, Gregory, 1985, M.E. Psychology clinics At our on-campus psychology clinics in Melbourne and Strathfield, we offer low-cost counselling and psychological assessments to staff, students and the general public. Cottrell, Jeffrey S., Intercollegiate-HSU, Music; BM, North Texas State University, 1985; MM, University of North Texas, 1996; DMA, University of North Texas, 2004.
McCracken, Victor, 2008, Associate Professor of Bible, Missions, and Ministry and Honors; BA, Harding University, 1995; MDiv, ACU, 1999; PhD, Emory University, 2008. Youll build your understanding of the discipline as both a scientific and an applied profession, preparing you to thrive in continued graduate study or in a breadth of professional settings. Reese, Jack R., 1988, Professor of Ministry, Graduate School of Theology; BA, ACU, 1973; MA, University of Oklahoma, 1976; MA, ACU, 1978; PhD, University of Iowa, 1988. Coates, Jane, 1972-93, Professor Emerita of Education; BS, Middle Tennessee State University, 1963; AMEd, Morehead State University, 1972; PhD, Texas Womans University, 1985. The first dates indicate years of service. Platt, Stuart, 2013, Assistant Professor of Political Science, BA, Texas A&M University, 1974; MS, Trinity University, 1977; JD, St. Marys University, 1979; MSS, U.S. Army War College, 2008. Professor Suzanne Chambers AO is a health psychologist and registered nurse who has been working as a practitioner-researcher in psycho-oncology for over 30 years. Xu, Qiang, 2007, Associate Professor of Biology; BS, Zhejiang University, 1996; MS, Zhejiang University, 2003; PhD, Auburn University, 2007. Dowdy, Jess T., 2010, Professor of Physics and Chair of Engineering and Physics; BS, ACU; 1998, MS, Washington State University, 1990; EdD, Texas A&M - Commerce, 2005. Curtis, Joyce Mae, 1959-04, Professor Emerita of Exercise Science and Health; BS, University of North Texas, 1959; MS, University of North Texas, 1960; PED, Indiana University, 1970. Smallwood, Martha, 2012, Assistant Professor of Kinesiology and Nutrition; BS, ACU, 1970; MS, Texas Tech University, 1973, EdD, Texas Tech University, 2011. Gallaway, Benny P., 1958-93, Professor Emeritus of History; BA, ACU, 1949; MA, University of North Texas, 1954. Williams, Kay, 1989, Associate Professor of Music; BMEd, ACU, 1969; MM, Texas Tech University, 1971; PhD, Texas Tech University, 2000. Hughes, David, 1967-07, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics; BA, ACU, 1962; MA, University of Oklahoma, 1964; PhD, University of Oklahoma, 1967. Varner, Gary, 1996, Professor of Theatre; BA, Central State University, 1978; MEd, Southeastern Oklahoma State, 1989; MFA, Tulane University, 1992. Meeks, Dawne, 2005, Associate Professor and Chair of Theatre, BA, ACU, 1995; MFA University of Arizona, 1997 Pybus, Kenneth, 2003, Associate Professor of Journalism and Mass Communication; BA, ACU, 1989; JD, Baylor University, 1992. Smith, Jessica, 2013, Associate Professor of Journalism and Mass Communication, BS, ACU, 2002; MA, University of South Florida, 2005; PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2010. Staff Directory. Please enable Javascript for full functionality. Coates, Neal E., 1999, Professor and Chair of Political Science; BA, ACU, 1987; JD, University of Kansas, 1990; MA, University of Connecticut, 1998; PhD, University of Connecticut, 2004. Riggs, Mark, 1980-87, 2003, Professor of Mathematics; BS, ACU, 1975; MS, Texas A&M University, 1976; PhD, Texas A&M University, 1981. Bryce, Brady D., 2007, Assistant Professor of Ministry, Director of Contextual Education, Graduate School of Theology; BA, ACU, 1995; MS, ACU, 1999; MDiv, ACU, 1999; DMin, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2008. Goldsmith, Lloyd M., 2001, Professor of Education; BS, Texas A&M University, 1972; MS, Corpus Christi University, 1974; MS, Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi, 1985; EdD, Baylor University, 1990. Varner, Patricia, 1969-00, Assistant Professor Emerita of Family and Consumer Sciences; BS, ACU, 1959; MA, University of Northern Colorado, 1978. Opsitch, Yann, 2009, Instructor of Language and Literature; MACM, ACU, 2007. Huddleston, Jennifer, 2011, Assistant Professor of Biology; BS, Hardin-Simmons University, 2000; MS, Texas Tech University, 2003; PhD, Texas Tech University, 2008. Brokaw, Bryan E., 1975, Bray Cook Professor of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences; BS, ACU, 1971; PhD, Oregon State University, 1975. Wright, Odies L., Jr., 2000, Associate Professor of Kinesiology and Nutrition; BSEd, ACU, 1973; MEd, University of Houston, 1982; PhD, University of New Mexico, 2002. Bertram, Dale E., 2012, Professor and Chair of Marriage and Family Studies; BA, Eastern New Mexico University, 1981; MA, Eastern New Mexico University, 1983; MEd, Albertson College of Idaho, 1991; PhD, Nova-Southeastern University, 1995. Elliot, Jeremy, 2010, Assistant Professor of Language and Literature; BA, Harding, 2005; MA, Florida State University, 2007; PhD, Florida State University, 2012. Morgan, Ronald J., 2003, Professor and Chair of History; BA, ACU, 1981; MA, ACU, 1983; PhD, University of California-Santa Barbara, 1998. We also offer an accelerated bachelors and masters program for those students committed to further graduate training or doctoral study. You will walk away a better driver and with the feeling that you've gotten your money's worth. Norsworthy, Larry, 1999, Professor of Psychology; BS, ACU, 1972; MS, ACU, 1976; PhD, Walden University, 1991.
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