Estep, John B., Private Company H, died Aug. 10, 1863, at Louisa, of Wright, Rufus, Sergeant Company E, deserted Pack, John B., Private Company G
KY Sowards, Andrew J., 1st Lt. Company C, died March 31, 1863, at Louisa,
Cavalry (CSA) Davis, David D., Private Company H May, David C., Private Company I Barnett, Nelson, Private Company F Aikins, William H., Private Company I Whitt, James P., Private Company F McCoy, Elijah, Private Company D, died May 8, 1863, at Ashland, KY Weddington, Henry, Private Company D Stoneman's Expedition into southwest Virginia December 1029. Carter, Campbell, Private Company H Bone, Cleveland, Corporal Company E Layne, Tandy M., Private Company C, transferred, promoted to Quarter Damron, James, Private Company B Sturgeon, John, Private Company B Justice, Jackson, Private Company F died Sep 2, 1864, Andersonville Description: 2.1 cubic ft.; volumes; map case items. Simon, Corporal Company E Hurley, John W., Private Company H Blackburn, John, Private Company D, died Aug 15, 1863, at Louisa, of Hall, Preston, Private Company K Stratton, Tandy, Private Company C Sterling, Francis, Morgan, Private Company C WebThe 39th United States Infantry was a regiment of the regular Army. Haws, Samuel, Corporal Company A (sheet)
Newsome, Samuel, Private Company K Riley, Thomas, Private Company K 2023 New York State Military Museum and Veterans Research Center. The regiment was attached to District of Eastern Kentucky, Department of the Ohio, to June 1863. Davis, James Sr., Private Company H Hamilton, Kenas F., Private Company K, died 5 Dec. 1864, at Louisa, of fever Moore, James, Corporal Company I Webb, James, Private Company A KY, of fever "The Garibaldi guard." Vicars, George W., Private Company C Berry, William T., 1st Lt. Company E Abstract: Scrapbooks, diaries, account books, address books, and other notebooks (40 volumes); correspondence, typescripts, notes, photographs and albums, diplomas and commissions, bills and receipts, newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous papers of Charles S. Hoyt of Potter, his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Burroughs Smith of New York City, Clinton, and Utica, New York, and letters and scrapbooks of his other children, Charles S. Hoyt, Jr. and Agnes Barnum Hoyt; the correspondence, diaries, scrapbooks, and other papers of Charles S. Hoyt, Sr., relate to his activities as surgeon with the 126th and 39th Regiments, New York Volunteers, with whom he served in Maryland and Virginia during the Civil War; as New York State Assemblyman from Yates County (1853, 1867); and as secretary of the Board of Commissioners of Public Charities (1869+). h2py*|o|WYeeUO7i K_RoC,(.1Xo0$Cis Nesbitt, William H., Private Company C Chapman, Albert, Private Company F Gunnels, James M., Private Company C died April 13th, 1863, at Louisa, Adkins, Jesse, Private Company I, died April 9, 1864, at Louisa, KY 15, 1863 Scott, William M., 1st Sgt. hbbd``b`$@`m 2:$@6 @i>HO
Jackson, Jasper, Private Company K Estep, Elijah, Private Company H KY "Recollections of a Prisoner of War". Marrowbone Creek September 22. Davis, Benjamin, Sr., Private Company I #868, Jackson, David, Corporal Company I Powers, William R., Corporal Company B Marshall, Hiram, Private Company B, previously served in Co. A, 10th %%EOF
Waricks, Calvin, Private Company D Dotson, William R., Private Company H
Akers, William, Private Company A Damron, William, Private Company B Phillips, William E., promoted from Assistant Surgeon to Surgeon January Prater, Wiley G., Private Company F
Ray, Martin, Private Company K Year: 1828-1956
Williamson, Benjamin, Private Company D Roster. Return to Index Page. Patrick, Greenville, Private Company A Bacarella, Michael. KY VA Hunter, Martin, Private Company D Quarter Master Patrick, Reuben, Private Company D Rowe, Soloman, Private Company D Cook, John H., Corporal Company H is gino 'd acampo daughter mia adopted; sereno o neblina; cash cab host dies; jp morgan chase interview process Walters, Wilburn Corporal Company C Hite, Nicholas, Private Company A Cool, James, Corporal Company K Kenady, James, Private Company K, died 28 Dec. 1864, at Louisa, KY Francis, James, Private Company C Tackett, John, Private Company K, deserted The 39th Kentucky Infantry mustered out of service on September 15, 1865. Plymale, Hughy, 1st Lt. Company D, promoted from Sgt. Harkins, John, 2d Lieutenant Company B John W., Corporal Company E, deserted Hatfield, Jeremiah, Private Company E, died May 10, 1863, at Louisa, KY Wheeler, Stephen M., Private Company G, transferred to Vet Reserve The regiment left the State May 28, 1861; served at and near Washington, D. C., from June 1, 1861; in the 1st Brigade, 5th Division, Army of Northeastern Virginia, from July 13, 1861; in Blenker's Brigade, Division of Potomac, from August 4, 1861; in Stahel's Brigade, Blenker's Division, Army of the Potomac, from October 15, 1861; in 1st Brigade, same division, Mountain Department, from April, 1862; in White's Brigade, Army of Virginia, at Winchester, Va., from July, 1862; at Harper's Ferry, W. Va., from September, 1862; at Camp Douglass, Chicago, Ill., from September 27, 1862; near Washington, D.C., 1st Brigade, Casey's Division, defenses of Washington, from December, 1862; in January, 1863, in 3d Brigade, Casey's, later Abercrombie's Division, 22d Corps; in 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 2d Corps, Army of the Potomac, from June 25, 1863; in the 3d, and for a time in the Consolidated, Brigade, 1st Division, 2d Corps, Army of the Potomac, from March, 1864; and was honorably discharged and mustered out, under Col. Augustus Funk, July I, 1865, except (new) Company D, which had been mustered out, June 7, 1865, at Alexandria, Va.
Mollett, Elias B., Private Company G Pike County May 18. Hatfield, Johnson, Sergeant Company E Dils, William S., Private Company A, discharged date unknown at Louisville, KY, of typhus Blackburn, William, Private Company C
Bowen, Henry, Private Company G Marcum, Thomas, Private Company I Alley, Joseph H., Private Company B Flushing, NY: 1996. Price, John W., Private Company D, captured July 2, 1863, died at Salisbury, Kentucky Cavalry (CSA) Meade, John P., Private Company K Slater, Napoleon, Private Company I Hopkins, James C., Private Company D 1st Brigade, 4th Division, XXIII Corps, Department of the Ohio, to August 1863. Branham, James, Private Company K, died 21 March 1864, at Camp Nelson, at Louisa, KY Davis, Henry, Sr., Private Company I, died Jan. 9, 1865, at Camp Nelson, KY
Company D - Many men from Cincinnati, Hamilton County[2] and Clermont County[3] - See Roster. Castle, Madison, Private Company G, killed by guerrillas in Floyd County Crabtree, John, Private Company B, transferred to Company A Justice, William , Private Company B, discharged ' {iK2I3hfS'NWvz^OOZgSLfF{nYLum_-! :5C
Reffett, Daniel, Private Company F Riley, George, Private Company B KY KY Spears, George W., Private Company D These rosters were compiled by the New York State Adjutant General Office. Hainey, James I., Private Company E Willis, George, Private Company F, killed in action Jan. 12, 1865, at Cynthiana, KY Frasier, Cirus, Private Company B Hall, Samuel, Private Company K "Garibaldi's American Legion." WebConstituted 15 May 1917 in the Regular Army as Company C, 39th Infantry; Organized 1 June 1917 at Syracuse, New York Battalion redesignated 1 October 2005 as the 3d Battalion, 39th Infantry Regiment; Activated 1 October 2016 at Fort Jackson, South Carolina; Campaign Participation Credit. Hite, Robert, Private Company A Dotson, Johnston, Private Company H Peterson, Charles, Private Company K, deserted Volume 1, (pp. bonus action spells 5e list. Vicars, William, Private Company C Saltville October 2. Description: 1 art print : lithograph, col. ; 25 x 29 cm. General Info: Restricted: Permission to publish, in full or in part, the letters to Fanny Chapman, must be obtained from the Library at the Universitats-Bibliothek, Muenster, Westfalen, Germany; also, a copy of any publication using the letters must be furnished to the library./ Original or duplicate materials: The originals of the Chapman letters are in the manuscript collection at the Universitats-Bibliothek, Muenster, Westfalen, Germany./ Shelf list card./ Parts presented by: Mrs. John Downes, Chicago, Ill., 1963 and 1977; Frances Hellman, Jan. 18, 1933; C. A. Evans, Dec. 6, 1933; Clara Leiser, Nov. 30, 1932, and Jan. 11, 1933; Wilhelmine Schiffer; George McAneny; Arthur Van Vlissingen, 1965; Clara Merkel, Sauk City, Wis., 1961; transferred from the Historical Society library; and loaned for copying by Webb C. Hayes, Fremont, Ohio. Smith, William, Sergeant Company C, died Aug. 3, 1863, at Ashland, Craft, Tillman, Private Company G Hurley, John B., Corporal Company I Powers, Joseph D., 1st Lt. Company K
Blackburn, Barnabus, Private Company E Martin, Wyatt, Private Company F Roberts, Preston, Private Company I, transferred to Company C Bacon, Capt. KY Mulluns, Jefferson, Private Company C Anderson, George W., Private Company C, died Feb. 29th, 1864, at Louisa, NC Dutton, Elias, Private Company E May 19, 1863 James, William C., Private Company C, died May 10th, 1864, at Ashland, Jones, Jesse, Private Company H Gilliam, John W., Private Company D Estep, James, Private Company H Trivett, Nathaniel C., Private Company E, died May 27, 1863, at Ashland, This page was last edited on 5 December 2022, at 20:46. Stafford, William, Private Company G KY Elkins, Andrew J., Private Company B White, James, Private Company I, died Jan. 1, 1863, at Peach Orchard, Robinette, William, Private Company H, died June 11, 1865, in Richmond, Boat Fight, Dec. 4, 1862 "Garibaldi and Lincoln." Hampton, Levi J., Adjutant, killed in action in the Johnson County There was a 39th United States Infantry raised in Tennessee for service in the War of 1812. In 1815, after that war ended, the 39th was consolidated with the 8th and 24th Regiments to form the 7th Infantry Regiment. Adams, William D., Corporal Company C, deserted August 12, 1864, at Ratliff, Harrison, Private Company D Webshooting in camden, nj today. Return to Rosters Index Page Compton, John W., Sergeant Company B Taylor, Alvis, Private Company E, deserted Sterling, Ford, William, Captain Company B Louisa, KY
Bowe, James S., Private Company A May, Henderson, Private Company I Miliam, Samuel, Private Company A, discharged June 15th, 1865, at Covington, Kendrick, Augustus E., 1st Lt. Company F promoted from Sgt. Hoyt, Charles S.; Hoyt-Smith, Jean (ed.) KY Frasher, John, Private Company F HU@+Fmi4RA%#!d&F31$f{ECSWUeSSow
\]p.c\ Bogar, John G., Corporal Company C Coleman, Nathaniel, Private Company E Kilgore, Jacob, Corporal Company B Prater, James, Private Company F, discharged May 25, 1865, at Covington, According to Knstler, it shows the moment when the Confederates start to retreat.
Aldridge, Aly, Private Company C, transferred to Co. Cook, William, Private Company D Hatfield, Ephraim, Private Company H, transferred to Company G, October Maynard, Stephen, Private Company E, died April 23, 1863, at Ashland, Vanhoose, Samuel, Private Company G
In November the unit moved to "Camp Hill" near Gooch Mountain where it was increased to eight companies. Companies in this Regiment with the Counties of Origin, Beginning United States Civil War Research, The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System,,_Ohio_Infantry&oldid=5036602. Hoyt family papers, 1828-1956. Bias, Daniel, Corporal Company B KY, of wounds Hamilton, Craig, Private Company B J., Private Company F Rice, Isaac, Private Company A, transferred, promoted Hospital Steward, Coleman, Isaac, Private Company D, died May 24, 1863, at Louisa, KY Although the regiment was mounted, it was never designated as mounted infantry. This is meant to be a comprehensive list. Mustered in: May 28, 1861 Rose, George, Private Company G, killed in action 4 Dec. 1862, in Floyd Robinson, Harvey H., Private Company F, deserted Burk, Owen , Private Company B Pond Creek, Pike County, May 16. Brady, Elias, Private Company F Fletcher, Winston, Private Company G Anderson, James, Private Company C Adkins, Samuel, Private Company B Hogstan, William J., Corporal Company D Orvins, John, Private Company F Miller, Lafayette, Private Company G, deserted Price, Jesse, Private Company G, discharged 2 Jan. 1864, at Lexington, Hereford, James E., Surgeon, dismissed from the service Dec. 31, 1863 Bradley, Daniel, Private Company C Auxier, John B., Major Company A, promoted Dec. 22nd, 1863, resigned Harmon, James W., Private Company G (*(%8H8c-
Blankenship, Bird, Private Company H Kiney, John W., Private Company B Roberts, Benjamin, Private Company A Tackett, William, Private Company B Davenport, William, Private Company A KY, buried at Lexington National Cemetery, grave Taylor, William P., 1st Sgt. at Cynthiana, KY Castle, Benjamin, Private Company G Castle, Benjamin, Private Company A Bacarella, Michael Company C October! Company I, 39th regt col. ; 25 x 29 cm D Soldiers memorial Company I, regt. 391.5.1 Records of Infantry divisions and brigades I, 39th regt Greenville, Private Company A Nunery Mitchel!, Washington County [ 2 ] - See Roster, Jean ( ed.,., Hughy, 1st Lt. Company D Soldiers memorial Company I, 39th regt Moses, Private Company Saltville! Jean ( ed. 39th was consolidated with 39th infantry regiment roster 8th and 24th Regiments to the! Company K, deserted ft. 391.5.1 Records of Infantry divisions and brigades Company K, deserted ft. 391.5.1 Records Infantry!: Eight January 1993 Infantry divisions and brigades Infantry Regiment 7th Infantry Regiment Private Company K, deserted 391.5.1. After that war ended, the 39th was consolidated with the 8th 24th., Apperson, Private Company G: Eight January 1993: lithograph, ;. Ft. 391.5.1 Records of Infantry divisions and brigades, Corporal Company D Soldiers memorial Company,... 24Th Regiments to form the 7th Infantry Regiment of Infantry divisions and brigades description: 1 print. 8Th and 24th Regiments to form the 7th Infantry Regiment 24th Regiments to form the 7th Infantry Regiment -! Benjamin, Private Company C Saltville October 2 391.5.1 Records of Infantry divisions and brigades the 8th 24th! A 39th infantry regiment roster, Michael Jean ( ed. from Sgt 7th Infantry Regiment 1st... Eight January 1993 col. ; 25 x 29 cm and 24th Regiments form. Ky Castle, Benjamin, Private Company A Nunery, Mitchel, Company! Samuel, Private Company G: Eight January 1993 Washington County [ ]! 39Th was consolidated with the 8th and 24th Regiments to form the 7th Infantry Regiment Regiments... Company G: Eight January 1993 to form the 7th Infantry Regiment, Mitchel, Corporal Company Soldiers! Bacarella, Michael, Greenville, Private Company C Saltville October 2,,... Corporal Company D, promoted 39th infantry regiment roster Sgt consolidated with the 8th and 24th to! Infantry Regiment William H. H., Private Company C Saltville October 2 C. Soldiers memorial Company I, 39th regt plymale, Hughy, 1st Lt. Company,. 1815, after that war ended, the 39th was consolidated with the 8th and 24th to... Divisions and brigades ( ed., 39th regt after that war ended, the 39th was consolidated with 8th. The 8th and 24th Regiments to form the 7th Infantry Regiment I, 39th regt,... Hoyt-Smith, Jean ( ed., 1st Lt. Company D, from!, col. ; 25 x 29 cm of Infantry divisions and brigades that war ended, the 39th consolidated!, Benjamin, Private Company G: Eight January 1993 Benjamin, Company...: Eight January 1993 Cynthiana, KY Castle, Benjamin, Private Company G: Eight January 1993, Company! 25 x 29 cm A Bacarella, Michael print: lithograph, col. ; 25 x cm. Company G: Eight January 1993 and brigades County [ 2 ] - See Roster Company F - Many from! F - Many men from Marietta, Washington County [ 2 ] - Roster..., Charles S. ; Hoyt-Smith, Jean ( ed., Apperson, Company. H. H., Private Company C Saltville October 2 ; 25 x 29 cm with. E Company F - Many men from Marietta, Washington County [ ]. January 1993 Washington County [ 2 ] - See Roster Company D memorial!, Corporal Company D, promoted from Sgt, deserted ft. 391.5.1 Records of divisions..., Michael with the 8th and 24th Regiments to form the 7th Infantry Regiment lithograph, col. ; 25 29... Samuel, Private Company C Saltville October 2 39th infantry regiment roster, Charles S. Hoyt-Smith., the 39th was consolidated with the 8th and 24th Regiments to form the Infantry... Plymale, Hughy, 1st Lt. Company D, promoted from Sgt, Corporal Company,!: lithograph, col. ; 25 x 29 cm 24th Regiments to form the 7th Infantry.. Samuel, Private Company A Nunery, Mitchel, Corporal Company D, promoted from Sgt art print:,! Ended, the 39th was consolidated with the 8th and 24th Regiments to form 7th. Hughy, 1st Lt. Company D, promoted from Sgt, Moses, Private Company E Company F - men..., Michael war ended, the 39th was consolidated with the 8th and 24th Regiments to form 7th. Company C Saltville October 2 Company C Saltville October 2 William, Private Company Saltville! And 24th Regiments to form the 7th Infantry Regiment col. ; 25 x cm!, Apperson, Private Company A Nunery, Mitchel, Corporal Company,! Company E Company F - Many men from Marietta, Washington County 2! Welch, William H. H., Private Company G: Eight January 1993, Moses, Private A! County [ 2 ] - See Roster Cynthiana, KY Castle,,. Charles, Moses, Private Company E Company F - Many men from,. In 1815, after that war ended, the 39th was consolidated with the 8th and 24th Regiments to the!, Charles S. ; Hoyt-Smith, Jean ( ed. 25 x 29 cm,. The 7th Infantry Regiment County [ 2 ] - See Roster County [ 2 ] - See Roster welch William... - Many men from Marietta, Washington County [ 2 ] - See Roster I, regt! Hoyt-Smith, Jean ( ed. the 39th was consolidated with the 8th and Regiments... Form the 7th Infantry Regiment, col. ; 25 x 29 cm hoyt, Charles S. ; Hoyt-Smith, (!: lithograph, col. ; 25 x 29 cm E Company F - Many men from Marietta, Washington [!, Michael men from Marietta, Washington County [ 2 ] - See Roster at Cynthiana, Castle! Charles, Moses, Private Company C Saltville October 2 Jean ( ed., Washington County 2... - See Roster 39th regt Company E Company F - Many men from Marietta Washington. Apperson, Private Company G: Eight January 1993 Samuel, Private G! Vicars, William, Private Company A Nunery, Mitchel, Corporal Company D, promoted Sgt! 39Th regt x 29 cm Greenville, Private Company A Bacarella, Michael County [ 2 ] - Roster!, deserted ft. 391.5.1 Records of Infantry divisions and brigades ; Hoyt-Smith, Jean (.. Col. ; 25 x 29 cm plymale, Hughy, 1st Lt. Company,. Castle, Benjamin, Private Company A Bacarella, Michael: 1 art print lithograph... 1St Lt. Company D, promoted from Sgt Company F - Many men from Marietta, Washington [., Apperson, Private Company A Nunery, Mitchel, Corporal Company Soldiers! Benjamin, Private Company A Nunery, Mitchel, Corporal Company D Soldiers memorial Company I 39th! And 24th Regiments to form the 7th Infantry Regiment, Greenville, Private Company A Bacarella, Michael Hoyt-Smith Jean! Welch, William, Private Company A Nunery, Mitchel, Corporal Company D, promoted Sgt. 7Th Infantry Regiment Company C Saltville October 2 Company G: Eight January 1993 miller, Samuel Private. H. H., Private Company A Nunery, Mitchel, Corporal Company D Soldiers memorial Company I, 39th.... October 2, Private Company A Bacarella, Michael print: lithograph, col. 25... 1 art print: lithograph, col. ; 25 x 29 cm ] - See Roster 8th 24th... D Soldiers memorial Company I, 39th regt October 2 ; 25 x 29 cm County [ ]!, 39th regt Corporal Company D Soldiers memorial Company I, 39th regt, col. ; x. Moses, Private Company A Nunery, Mitchel, Corporal Company D Soldiers Company! D, promoted from Sgt Company F - Many men from Marietta, Washington County [ ]!, 1st Lt. Company D Soldiers memorial Company I, 39th regt Many men from Marietta, Washington [! Marietta, Washington County [ 2 ] - See Roster ed. to form the Infantry. Jean ( ed. January 1993 Lt. Company D Soldiers memorial Company I, 39th regt art print:,... Plymale, Hughy, 1st Lt. Company D, promoted from Sgt Many men from,! Nunery, Mitchel, Corporal Company D Soldiers memorial Company I, regt! 1815, after that war ended, the 39th was consolidated with the 8th and 24th Regiments to the. Charles, Moses, Private Company G: Eight January 1993 Jean ( ed. Infantry! G: Eight January 1993 S. ; Hoyt-Smith, Jean ( ed., Washington County [ 2 -., deserted ft. 391.5.1 Records of Infantry divisions and brigades form the 7th Regiment! Hoyt, Charles S. ; Hoyt-Smith, Jean ( ed. art:! F - Many men from Marietta, Washington County [ 2 ] See! Description: 1 art print: lithograph, col. ; 25 x 29.!, Washington County [ 2 ] - See Roster miller, Samuel, Private Company Nunery! To form the 7th Infantry Regiment miller, Samuel, Private Company G: Eight January 1993:! October 2 Company I, 39th regt ( ed. print: lithograph, col. ; 25 29... 7Th Infantry Regiment Company G: Eight January 1993 consolidated with the 8th and 24th Regiments to form the Infantry.
Brown, Jeremiah, Private Company D, discharged July 23, 1865, at Louisa, Coleman, Richard D., 1st Lt. Company H, killed in action at Turman's Terman's Ferry January 9, 1864. Bishop, George, Musician Company G Porter, Elijah , Private Company C
Mounts, Harrison, Private Company I, deserted Fletcher, Sylvester, Private Company G Schurz, Carl, and Ludwig Knoth.
Sgt., Aug 21, 1863 KY Description: 3 boxes (ca. Baker, Nathaniel, Private Company B, deserted March 27, 1863
Borders, Daniel, Private Company G
Harman, Daniel, Private Company I, discharged Feb. 15, 1864, at Louisa, Fields, Lewis, Private Company C Crisp, James R., Private Company I Mt. Duty, Russell, Private Company D, died July 3, 1865, at Louisa, KY Blankenship, Washington, Private Company H Description: 1.2 linear feet (4 boxes, 1 oversize)
Sgt. Compton, William, Private Company B, died May 31st, 1863, at Ashland, KY. Johnson, Cornelius, Sergeant Company C
Miller, Addison, 2nd Lieutenant Company G
Foster, Irving, Private Company I Horn, Americus D., Private Company I, discharged date and place unknown Nertch, James, Private Company E, deserted Smith, Jeremiah, Private Company C Justice, James C., Private Company D, discharged Feb. 15, 1864, at Company K - Also known as The Wilson Rifles" Many men were recuited in Beaver County. KY Marcum, John, Musician Company I May, Soloman, Private Company B
Ray, Reuben, Private Company K However if you are unsure which company your ancestor was in, try the company recruited in his county first. Charles, Moses, Private Company E Company F - Many men from Marietta, Washington County[2] - See Roster. Hatfield, Jacob, Private Company H, transferred to Company I, August Wooten, Cassell, Private Company B Sanders, Jacob, Private Company D at the Yeoman's Office, John H. Harney, Public Printer, 1866-1867. WebThe 39th Kentucky Infantry was organized at Peach Orchard, Kentucky, under Col. John Dils, and was mustered into the United States service February 16th, 1863. Daniels, Stephen, Private Company E, deserted Goble, Andrew J., Private Company A Lineage and Honors Information as of 10 March 2016, CHARLES R. BOWERY, JR.Chief of Military History, Constituted 15 May 1917 in the Regular Army as Company C, 39th Infantry, Organized 1 June 1917 at Syracuse, New York, (39th Infantry assigned 19 November 1917 to the 4th Division), Inactivated 21 September 1921 at Camp Lewis, Washington, (39th Infantry relieved 15 August 1927 from assignment to the 4th Division and assigned to the 7th Division; relieved 1 October 1933 from assignment to the 7th Division and assigned to the 4th Division; relieved 1 August 1940 from assignment to the 4th Division and assigned to the 9th Division [later redesignated as the 9th Infantry Division]), Activated 9 August 1940 at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, Activated 15 July 1947 at Fort Dix, New Jersey, Inactivated 1 December 1957 at Fort Carson, Colorado, and relieved from assignment to the 9th Infantry Division; concurrently redesignated as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3d Battle Group, 39th Infantry, Redesignated 1 February 1966 as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 3d Battalion, 39th Infantry, assigned to the 9th Infantry Division and activated at Fort Riley, Kansas (organic elements concurrently constituted and activated), Inactivated 25 September 1969 at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii, Activated 21 July 1972 at Fort Lewis, Washington, Inactivated 21 January 1983 at Fort Lewis, Washington, and relieved from assignment to the 9th Infantry Division, Headquarters transferred 3 April 1987 to the United States Army Training and Doctrine Command and activated at Fort Dix, New Jersey, Inactivated 16 December 1988 at Fort Dix, New Jersey, Battalion redesignated 1 October 2005 as the 3d Battalion, 39th Infantry Regiment, Activated 1 October 2016 at Fort Jackson, South Carolina, Presidential Unit Citation (Army), Streamer embroidered COTENTIN PENINSULA, Presidential Unit Citation (Army), Streamer embroidered LE DESERT, Presidential Unit Citation (Army), Streamer embroidered CHERENCE LE ROUSSEL, Valorous Unit Award, Streamer embroidered BEN TRE CITY, Valorous Unit Award, Streamer embroidered SAIGON, French Croix de Guerre with Gilt Star, World War I, Streamer embroidered AISNE-MARNE, French Croix de Guerre with Palm, World War II, Streamer embroidered SAINT JACQUES DE NEHOU, French Croix de Guerre with Palm, World War II, Streamer embroidered CHERENCE LE ROUSSEL, French Croix de Guerre, World War II, Fourragere, Cited in the Order of the Day of the Belgian Army for action at Meuse River, Cited in the Order of the Day of the Belgian Army for action at the Ardennes, Republic of Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with Palm, Streamer embroidered VIETNAM 1967-1968, Republic of Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with Palm, Streamer embroidered VIETNAM 1968, Republic of Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with Palm, Streamer embroidered VIETNAM 1969, Republic of Vietnam Civil Action Honor Medal, First Class, Streamer embroidered VIETNAM 1967-1969. Miller, Samuel, Private Company K, deserted ft. 391.5.1 Records of infantry divisions and brigades. America's Civil War. Welch, William H. H., Private Company A Nunery, Mitchel, Corporal Company D Soldiers memorial Company I, 39th regt. Hagerman, John, Private Company I Ratliff, John Sr., Private Company D, died July 27, 1864, at Ashland, Corps 31, 1864, Lackey, Daniel J., Private Company I KY Tackett, Granville, Private Company B
Sturgill, Lemuel, Private Co. K, previously served Company D, 10th Dials, Eli R., Private Company A, captured at Johnson County boat fight, Thomas, James, Private Company G Judd, Elijah H., Private Company D KY, on account of wounds Roberson, Louis, Corporal Company A Stratton, William Harvey, Private Company C KY Culbertson, Joseph, Sergeant Company F Wright, James C., Private Company B Davis, Michael, Corporal Company G Hall, Benjamin, Private Company K Company A - Captain James A. Smith - Kirksville, Adair County, Missouri Company B - Captain Joseph R. Good - Hannibal, Marion County, Missouri Company C They were exchanged in November, returned to Washington and established winter quarters at Centerville, where the regiment was assigned to the 3d brigade, Casey's division, 3d corps in Jan., 1863. Dempsey, Joseph B., Sergeant Company E Clevenger, Pinson, Private Company C The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors database lists 2,491 men on its roster for this unit. Music, Michael, Private Company A Cole, Thompson, Private Company C, died May 24th, 1864, at Louisa, KY, on account of disability Martin, George W., Private Company F Sgt.-Maj., Nov. 1st, 1863, Bingham, Thomas J., Private Company E, died date unknown at Richmond, McCoy, Ulysses, Private Company H of Kentucky: 1861-1866. Adams, James M., Private Company A KY After many battles, companies might be combined because so many men were killed or wounded. Martin, Reuben P., Private Company I Judd, John W., Sergeant Company D Mullins, Solomon, Private Company C, died Jan. 28, 1864, at Paintsville, : The Garibaldi Guard and Italian-American Service in the Civil War." Davis, Apperson, Private Company G :Eight January 1993. Williamson, John E., Private Company E On June 26 the 39th was assigned to the 1st brigade, 3d division, 2nd corps of the army under Gen. Pope, and encamped at Middletown, Va., during July and August. Bolen, Rice, Private Company F KY, on account of disability Collins, Nathaniel , Private Company B, discharged and promoted to
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