This titanium-lined wellness bed that uses heat, sound, and quantum energy to create a standing quantum field, supporting the body to reach optimum wellness. The Energy Wellness Center prides itself on state-of-the-art equipment and caring practitioners that custom tailor to make each client a personalized body-mind-spirit experience. These 4 words are what sums up my bio. It has unique features using far infrared heat and micro-current in waveforms compatible with the human body. But when chlorine and fluorideare placed into tap water, it turns into an electron stealer. , an electrotherapy that has been proven to increase circulation, promote cellular healing, and reduce discomfort and soreness. This communication (video) respects a General Wellness approach to brain health and managing daily challenges of life, category recognized by the FDA as a category of safe and non-invasive to the human body. WebChrister Norder Stellarwaves Crystal Light Therapy Bed 1.0 with brain-sync and light controller, Master Healing Wand Email: Tel: 209-742-4405. I choose to do this because I believe that everyone deserves to experience the best possible wellness available to them in this lifetime. Information itself is inmaterial (no mass). The loops andfeedbacks of those pathways mean inflammationcan be turned on and off in any number of ways. This helps treat inflammation as well as other benefits. WebThe Quantum Energy Wellness Bed (QEWB) was designed to recreate the natural resources we lack through a powerful combination of heat, sound, microcurrent, and quantum energy, assisting the body to reach total-body wellness. This website uses JavaScript to apply discounts. Patients will require 30 minute to one hour sessions, five days a week for three weeks to reach optimal cellular voltage. The Quantum Energy Wellness Bed is the only modality to combine Quantum Bio-field Antenna Technology, bio beneficial micro-current, far-infrared heat therapy, biophotons, and sound frequencies. space at the bottom of the form or whichever path you take to making your purchase of the QE wellness bed. We love sharing technology that is ahead of its time or kept from the public. WebThe Quantum Energy Wellness Bed (QEWB) was designed to recreate the natural resources we lack through a powerful combination of heat, sound, microcurrent, and quantum energy, assisting the body to reach total-body wellness. Death of any ensues at the verymomento that is invariably executed by sender- reciever entities that incessantly handleinformation. WebTrusted Integrative Functional Medical Clinic serving Carlsbad, CA. WebThe Quantum Energy Wellness Bed is the only modality to combine Quantum Bio-field Antenna Technology, bio beneficial micro-current, far-infrared heat therapy, biophotons, and sound frequencies. As we come to understand quantum realities and their signifcance, we see that electronsultimately come from their Ultimate Source. California San Pedro, CA 90732 Alexis Carlin Stellarwaves Crystal Light Therapy Bed 1.0 with Light Controller Email address: MYSTICALSTICKSANDSTONES@YAHOO.COM Phone: The bio beneficial microcurrent can help increase the voltage of your
I will receive your message and be able to connect you with the people who can assist you in this process. WebQuantum Med Bed. Quantum Energy Wellness Center. Technology hidden away from humanity, these pod-like beds are predicted to have healing capabilities for a wide range of diseases. It was like an orchestra playing in complete harmony. WebQuantum Energy Wellness Center is a family-run business. The Reverend Deaconess , Sanctified Healer, Rajean Rachel Moseley-LaRue, according to the Ancient Rite of the Holy Catholic Church of the East in Brazil. The QEWB condenses the powerful healing properties of nature, simulating the effect of many days spent in a Used for centuries, these frequencies are believed to create positive shifts and balancing your seven chakras. The QEWB combines heat, sound, frequency, and quantum energy to support total-body wellness. In addition, it is exercise that activates our lymphatic system to removewaste protein from dead cells from within our body.
WebEnergy Therapy for Body & Soul. Quantum Mat resonates 36 feet around. Your privacy is important. 2020 Atlanta Colonic & Massage Spa All Rights Reserved. All of us dieeventually and one of the main reasons is due to the loss of hydrogen or the hydrogendeficiency. Laying on the bed in the quantum
Moving water is always an electron donor. WebRevolutonary New Fitness. You may rest on the Mat for as long as you choose for Full Body Healing. The research is clear. I spent 30 days in the Mayo Clinic, to return home with no more answers than I had before I went there. There are many ways that the body is intended to access freeelectrons. As an affiliate of the company that is offering the QEW bed for sale I, Debbie Hagedorn, receive a small percentage of said sale in return for sharing this information. Adults and children have I have seen faces change literally before my eyes, and the feedback that I get from those who have received the IASIS sessions is priceless. Because the Harmonic Egg delivers a natural, holistic energy therapy designed to help the body heal itself, our many clients have found it to be helpful for a wide variety of health issues. Quantum Energy Wellness Center. There are no limits as to who is able to purchase/use the QE wellness bed(s). Contact me and we can find a time that works for you! Continuing Medical Education of over 50 hours a year to include ozone and functional medicine. QEWB uses bio-light storage to increase cellular voltage, making your body more resistant toinfections; cells reset to the optimum voltage, eliminating the host for the virus to live. Its a process that depends both on the physicalactions of white blood cells and the chemicalsthat they produce: antibodies, cytokines, andthe like. The new patented medical version of the QEWB will be a game changer in the field of Full Body Therapy and Energy Medicine. It's charged titanium plate creates a powerful standing quantum field that extends to two feet in all directions. The QEWB generates far infrared thermal heat, which can help promote blood circulation, detoxification and lymphatic cleansing, relief from discomfort and soreness, and deep relaxation. Saturday, April 29Save the Date! Though seemingly affected only by its immediate surrounding. Sitemap. The QEWB condenses the powerful healing properties of nature, simulating the effect of many days spent in an ungroommed forest through a 60 minute session on the bed. wellness. Other times can be arranged if needed. WebThe Quantum Energy Wellness Bed (QEWB) condenses the powerful healing properties of nature, simulating the effect of many days spent in a forest through only a short, 30-minute session on the bed. We are currently optimizing our QEWB locator map, but you can see a list of available QEWB session locations here. CEO-Co Founder with my sister for the company Innovative Wellness Consultants & Quantum Energy Wellness Center.
All the body needs are the right resources. Depending on the bed, typically the bed scans your body much like an MRI, based on the readings it receives through AI (Artificial Intelligence), the computer determines what is The human body is vastly intelligent and more than capable of repairing and maintaining itself. And visit me at the VIP 1 booth to learn more about Quantum Wellness US! The QEWB uses safe, noninvasive, and low-risk modalities to facilitate the general improvement of human health. Bachelors in Health Care Sciences with a Certificate as a Physician Assistant from The University of Texas at Southwestern Medical School of Allied Health Physician Assistant Program, 1995 with a focus on surgery. The QEWB was made for anyone who wishes to maintain a general state of health and wellbeing. The Quantum Energy Wellness Bed (QEWB) is a titanium-lined wellness bed WebVIDEO Energy and Frequency Based "Med Bed" Technology for Health and Wellness, Chiropractors, Reiki, Integrative Medicine and Please ensure the cart meets the requirements to apply this discount code. Med Bed Healing Technology. They are cancelling out a frequency by sending out the exact opposite waveform. Detect The Elysium Device merges all 4 principles of biofeedback to scan for and identify the root cause energetic blocks and emotional charges that are limiting the full expression of vibrant wellness. Call your spot today! What is an example of Scalar energy? Similar to a sponge soaking in a glass of water, when a patient lays on the QEWB, the body soaks up the bio-light. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Over the last several decades, Ralph has studied water, energy, and electro-medicine extensively. We operate on a foundation of Quantum Frequencies utilizing Holistic and State-of-the-Art devices and ancient principles that are rooted in creating Balance and Harmony in the Body. Contact us at 760-208-1853 or visit us at 5814 Van Allen Way, Suite 225, Carlsbad, CA 92008: Quantum Functional Medicine The Quantum Energy Wellness Bed is a titanium-lined wellness bed that uses heat, sound, and quantum energy to create a standing quantum field, supporting the bodyto reach optimum wellness. "The QEWB experience essentially just brings me into a state where I feel good. Other times can be arranged if needed. One of the evidences is that sometimes when diseases appear, it is mentioned that it is due tothe acidity of any kind, what this really means is that the voltaje of the body is very low and isin an electron stealing state. Discount code cannot be combined with the offers applied to the cart. Whether the QE wellness bed is right for you or not,I invite you to join my list and stay abreast of all that is yet to come. We provide a spa experience allowing you to escape from the stresses of modern life, rejuvenate natural energy, and promote optimal health. Far infrared heat can help promote blood circulation, detoxification and lymphatic cleansing, relief from discomfort and soreness, and deep relaxation. The Energy Wellness Center prides itself on state-of-the-art equipment and caring practitioners that custom tailor to make each client a personalized body-mind-spirit experience. WebQuantum Energy Wellness Bed. When voltage is raised, more oxygen will dissolve in thewater and be available to release electrons. Details coming soon! Associates in Science from South Plains College, 1989. 138 North Avenue, Suite 7Hartland, WI 53029, By Appointment Only Tuesday-Saturday 9AM-2PM Central Time. *As of September 19, 2022, more than 60 beds have been sold towards the first 100. Gift certificates for my in-person and remote sessions are available for purchase. QEWB uses bio-light storage to increase cellular voltage, making your body more resistant to infections. My speciality is in complete brain and body detox with an emphasis on Autism and Autoimmune disorders. We lose electrons by drinking carbonated, caffeinated, and alcoholic beverages, and byeating junk food.Unprocessed and overly cooked food has no voltage. Built-in speakers emit sound waves through the beds plating, amplifying the effects of the QEWB and facilitating a powerful sound healing journey. Peptide Therapy Certification through A4M, 2019, IASIS Certified Practitioner (IASIS MCN Neurofeedback). The sphere of external influence extends to infinite distance.. supports the Physical, Psychological, and Spiritual Wellness seekers by creating balance and harmony in the body, so that the body can utilize its natural healing capabilities to restore WELLNESS. Only 6 spots available. Contact us at 760-208-1853 or visit us at 5814 Van Allen Way, Suite 225, Carlsbad, CA 92008: Quantum Functional Medicine Healing Educating Ministries Institute Priory No.
The QEWB condenses the powerful healing properties of nature, simulating the effect of many days spent in a The QE Wellness Bed uses safe, noninvasive, and low-risk modalities to facilitate the general improvement of human health.
The QEWB condenses the powerful healing properties of nature, simulating the effect of many days spent in a It was like my physical body was just pure air.. supports the Physical, Psychological, and Spiritual Wellness seekers by creating balance and harmony in the body, so that the body can utilize its natural healing capabilities to restore WELLNESS. better when barefoot! 6710 Jamestown Drive, Alpharetta, GA 30005 . You could say quantum coherence is a measure of the strength of quantum correlations. WebVIDEO Energy and Frequency Based "Med Bed" Technology for Health and Wellness, Chiropractors, Reiki, Integrative Medicine and 2:00 validated science behind this and other creations, 6:06 conversion of quantum energy to physical energy that can be studied and made available to the world, 11:08 what is unique about this technology, 20:54 a deeper understanding of the vastness of the quantum field, 30:00 user experiences and effects shared, 39:25 in person guest stories - personal and client testimonials.
It was designed to recreate the natural resources we lack through a powerful combination of heat, sound, micro-current, and quantum energy, assisting the body to reach total-body wellness. Scalar Energy helps to reduce or alleviate chronic back pains, joint stiffness & inflammation. Atlanta Colonic & Massage Spa with Ageless Beauty Spa has developed a complete solution with superior holistic wellness and esthetic spa services that supports both inner and outer beauty. The primary aspects that affect the voltage in cells are: THIS IS KEY: Our cells are 70+ percent water! Harmony between all of our cells leads to total Body health, which can only occur when the Body is in the state of balance and harmony that GOD intended all of our bodies to be in. The leftover energy is considered scalar. My name is Rajean Moseley LaRue. Shipping and handling is included in the price. So we see that we need the basics: exercise, sunlight, fresh air, and clean water!
Disease is always defined by having low voltagenotenough horsepower for cells and organs to do their jobs properly. But how docells normally get voltage? Contact us at 760-208-1853 or visit us at 5814 Van Allen Way, Suite 225, Carlsbad, CA 92008: Quantum Functional Medicine QEW bed - Wisconsin - in person or remote sessions. I will be playing my gongs during this opening session. Please use the "Stay connected" form at the bottom of this page. Med Bed Healing Technology. They are cancelling out a frequency by sending out the exact opposite waveform. In my past I was given not one but two OPPURTUNITES to beat 2 incurable diseases., and I DIDWith a past that was dealt to me that I faced 2 incurable diseases, I had no other choice to look outside the box and seek alternative approaches. The QEWB condenses the powerful healing properties of nature, simulating the effect of many days spent in a forest through a 60-minute session on the bed. Our state-of-the-art technology promotes deep relaxation, reduces stress, and supports your body's natural healing abilities. WebEnergy Therapy for Body & Soul. Click An Image Below For A List Of Services, Physical, Psychological, and Spiritual Wellness, Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. Enhanced with 76 Minerals including Volcanic Ash are ingredients that produces Scalar Energy and is structurally bonded together at a molecular level. The QE Wellness Bed generatesfar infrared thermal heat, which can help promote blood circulation, detoxification and lymphatic cleansing, relief from discomfort and soreness, and deep relaxation. My mind feels better than ever. WebThe Quantum Scalar Energy Mat promotes a positive energy flow throughout the body that helps with better blood circulation and decreases body stress. Electrolysis safely and permanently removes all types of hair from all skin tones. Detect The Elysium Device merges all 4 principles of biofeedback to scan for and identify the root cause energetic blocks and emotional charges that are limiting the full expression of vibrant wellness. The QEWB condenses the powerful healing properties of nature, simulating the effect of many days spent in a forest through only a short, 30-minute session on the bed. When you eat processedfood, your body must rob electrons from other sources to digest it. I had twins a year and a half ago and it took a major toll on my hair. Together, these synergistic modalities generate a standing quantum field as well as biophotonslight particles that the body can absorb. I have been doing LaserStim HairGrowth treatments for a month, and I cannot believe how fast those bare spots are filling in! It was designed to recreate the natural resources we lack through a powerful combination of heat, sound, micro-current, and quantum energy, assisting the Ralph first became involved in alternative medicine over 30 years ago, when he injured his leg in a motorcycle accident. Using the bed allows its stored information to affect a biological system in a beneficial manner, mainly because of its quantum coherence effect. (In 1905, Einstein wrote that light absorptioncan release electrons from atoms, called the photoelectric effect, and for this he received hisonly Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.). It is the same in nature, as whenflowers prepare for death and the leaves fall from the trees. Making new cells requires: -50 millivolts of energy, amino acids to makethe inside of cells, fats to make the outside of cells, vitamins and minerals to make themetabolic processes work, oxygen as a fuel system (to metabolizing fats and glucose), and thelymphatic system to remove toxic substances. This is the nexus point between particle andwave, between matter and spirit. The mission of this bed is to provide a safe alternative to a natural and non-invasive treatment for increasing the bodys cell voltage. Because the Harmonic Egg delivers a natural, holistic energy therapy designed to help the body heal itself, our many clients have found it to be helpful for a wide variety of health issues. You may rest on the Mat for as long as you choose for Full Body Healing. It's charged titanium plate creates a powerful standing quantum field that extends to two feet in all directions. Built-in speakers emit sound waves through the beds planting, amplifying the effects of the QEWB and facilitating a powerful sound healing journey. WebThe Quantum Energy Wellness Bed (QEWB) was designed to recreate the natural resources we lack through a powerful combination of heat, sound, microcurrent, and quantum energy, assisting the body to reach total-body wellness. 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