Im sorry to hear that you lost your job. Perhaps others have seen something similar around there which is why I wanted to share. I am always interested in hearing the storieslike yourselfbut dont feel it is my place. I never realized that so many people have had experiences there! And for those that want to support but cant do the scares, check out the matinee hours where the haunts are less scary, and kids can trick or treat through the attraction. Experience the strange phenomena documented in Weird NJ and various YouTube videos. Interestingly enough when I was a teen in 97 my family and I went and stayed at the lodge on Shoal Bay because my friends dad was the caretaker. Caddy (Cadborosaurus) has been seen all around the island by hundreds of people (Campbell River calls it Klamahtossaurus). As Id mentioned above, theres an abandoned First Nation village quite close to it, as well. I have tried many times to find this church, and have failed. All I can say to the above is I have been exposed enough to the above so I have the right to be a true believer. Dracs Castle is a made up name from sometime in the 70s, early 80s; dont know why. The sound of oars in the water was heard by another witness when no boat was present.
I believe I have seen this building, it is at the Alberni Cut-0ff, close to the Mid-Island connector.sounds like a Government facility! They own three houses on the property. Adelaide house too, found the same things. WebNanaimo, British Columbia. My Dad retired on Saltspring Island and in mid summer of 2004, I was standing on top of a hill and saw a red light, moving diagonally then hovering, then shooting off, then hovering always visible. Subscribe to the blog if youd like to be notified when new posts are available. How long ago did you work there? Cuckoos patio on a warm summer evening is probably one of my favourite places to eat on the island. The local history and experiences prompt me to create a Paranormal Investigation group with a few close friends and have evidence to back them up. Ill post other strange things that have happened to me in nanaimo and surrounding areas when I have time. I lived very close to Draculas castle, and I saw many weird and mysterious things. First Nation oral traditions have stories of giant serpents as well. Hi I was just wondering if youve heard of the haunted old Hydro Building near Courtenay? My friend lives in a home that he claimed for the longest time was haunted. As for Tzouhalem I would think that is less likely. The spirit was not describedbut was said to have interfered with electronics, especially music that he didnt like. As no one was supposed to be inside, the security guard conducted a thorough search. If I was more interested Id ask Cowichan tourism for information. I tell youI have never in my life been so in awe of anything> You know those electricity balls where you can see the currents? One time I was in the washroom and I heard some voice saying bang,bang,bang it creeped me out so I looked under the stall. When I seen this I was in awe at first but, wanted to run away when these things started coming towards me,.I ran to my truck to get in and the door was locked with the keys inside (I always stopped for this reason and NEVER locked the door behind me) Anyway, I started to panic picked up a rock broke the drivers side door window cleaned off the glass that was on the seat, started the truck and took off out of the parking lot heading north, just at that moment the blue and white lightened orbs were moving beside each other no more than 10 feet from the back of my truck, regardless to say I floored it down the highway going through the gears,just then as I was speeding down the highway about no more quarter of a mile away from me on the Malahat heading south was a R.C.M.P police cruiser and just drove by me as if nothing was happening. As for red lights I found this discussion that mentions several possibilities. Awesome site btw!
A haunting they say happened due to Mr. Croft to a family who rented. Do you know for sure they were satanic, as opposed to wiccan or something else?
None of the owners were ever shot and killed there though. Shannon, what exactly did you mean by I wasnt expecting it to be the way it was? Cameron Lake also had an entire train go off a trestle with no survivors I have been told. There are underground tunnels which could be from either type of structure. A man from Powell River died in one of the rooms on the second floor around 1970. WebA Haunted House Summary & Analysis Next Themes Themes and Colors Key Summary Analysis "Whatever hour you woke" there are doors closing in the house. My boyfriend works at a fish plant in port hardy and was working an evening shift when he saw 4 uniformed orange lights in the shape of a diamond (length going from left to right). Disturbed, the security guard once again checked the house, certain that he had seen someone inside. Sometimes that included his wives, children and anyone else. I wanted to know a bit more about the history of our new home and its town, and happened to pick up a book on Sproat Lake Sproat Lake Reflections and read about how east coast tribes would raid the Hupacasath band at their fishing and hunting sites. The building really has a personality. Finally, there was a really bizarre lightening storm outside my house exactly three years to the day, exactly August, 28 2013 where the lightening stayed inside of clouds and made absolutely NO thunder whatsoever. (609) 251-6707, Go Haunted Hatchet throwing at the 13th Hour Haunted House. What happened to your 8 friends you left behind? the driver of the train and two brakemen died in the train derailment at cameron lake.two diesel engines ,3 cars,and a caboose all went down there.supposed to be a great place to fish.also lots of wierd activity under the same trestle nearby. I found this episode really interesting. Now on a whole a wolf is not that big a deal. Now shes searching for her head. Doesnt explain the the figure being white though, but she did mention the water getting more cold. Multiple witnesses claim to have seen or experienced phenomena (more). Comox Avenue (Comox Hill Road), ComoxThe apparition along this road is known as Dancing Mary, a First Nations woman who lived in the early settlement. Loggers or miners? Dont think either of these witnesses have talked to any one else regarding their experiance. One time they went with a few girls and decided to freak them out so one of them hid under a sleeping bag in the back of the truck and when they got up there they all got out of the truck and the guy under the sleeping bag got in the drivers seat and started driving around and the girls were screaming LEAVE US ALONE, STOOOOOP IT and one almost had a total meltdown before my friends said it was someone in the car. Thanks Teri! Sicker Mountain,ChemainusTheres a local legend that a headless womans apparition has been seen at the old Sicker towns site, which is now a ghost town. Stanley Gordon was closed years ago, but the current high school (now K-12) is directly below it on the hill. It was cool they included the shot inside the mine. Some have doubted the validity of this legend. Thanks for the reply; The one on Newcastle was within the last month or so, the woman that sited it was actual a sceptic and only told me about it. Next time Im in the area I will have to try to find it! As above, its about the story being attached not evidence. So several people have had experiences at the same time? The street numbers on the porchs wood post cannot be seen from the street because of the shrubs but the 2 on the top has turned upside down and covers the number underneath it. That also cared me, because I not only have to worry about her following or going with strangers but also spirits. One night a few friends and I played ouija board, and asked it to appear. Cheers! Im very interested in any stories you might have from Coombs. Once staff arrived I asked each one hey you place a trick on me this am? And all said no, just arrived. Of course there have been Sasquatch reports from the Elk Falls Park over the years. WebHycroft Manor is easily one of Vancouvers most haunted locations. When I was 20 I delivered Pizza there oddly enough. Many buildings are haunted as is the graveyard.
Kinda glad nobody got killed now that I think about it. When his widow passed, she left it to the Salvation Army. Any personal experiences youd like to share? Heriot bay inn is a lovely and wonderful hotel, adventure centre, pub and dining room, many many people from all over the world always come through spring and summer. Whilst the exact details of this tale are hard to come by, some have suggested that the remains belonged to Owain Glyndr, who was reputed to be over six-foot tall. The guy from this episode was in my group! I saw an apparition in Nanaimo about 4 years back. It should be noted that in some cultures, theYew treeis associated with the dead. The CD was purchased at Central Drugs in Nanaimo at the Bowen road location. The one I seen in campbell river took 3 steps to cross a 32 roadway. To see photos of what it used to look like, as well as a few photos from current day, check out the Cumberland Museums photo stream at 1. This 20-minute haunted house will take you through a labyrinth of frights and scares for the ultimate spooky season night. Thanks for your comment Donna. Webabandoned houses in shropshire when his eyes opened chapter 157; discord mass dm bot invite art museum virtual tour; used conch boats for sale mobile welder jobs; new southern soul artists Id be able to date when people claimed to have seen her from (even though its likely before that). This may have been the last sighting. I am a skeptical believer, so I dont accept or dismiss anything as real. Enter one of the three spaces Deliriums Requiem, Sinister Sneeds Chaotic Carnival of Chaos, and Twisted Taleseach with a backstory that ends up with ghoulish characters and shocking scares. 105 West Dewey Avenue, Wharton, Scary Rotten Farms Youll find a scare at every turn with four terrifying interactive attractions in one location.
Ready to feel the chills and thrills of a spine-tingling encounter? I would love to talk to you more about your experiences if youd be open. I can only imagine how difficult this must be. If I do come across anything Ill post it attached to this comment for you!
In Nanaimo, BC there is a supposedly haunted road. Holding hands, "a ghostly couple" works their way through each room in At the bottom of this post I share my experiences with lights near Bamfield. I experienced a sort of spiritual peace on Keeha Beach that has been hard to replicate in my life. we locked the doors and made it down to one of the driveways and my friend said to drive up and we get on the property and the first chapel was full of people all in white and they had there faces covered except this one and he looked like a big biker with a beared and he had something bent over and was screwing it he stopped and pointed at us and we turned around and they hopped in this old pickup and chased us he kept ramming the back of my truck I ran the stop sign on east wellington road and cut off the car coming and the guys chasing us hit the car and didnt look back. but most were probably due to the pollution. Great to hear a first-hand account of the apparition. A few others never got back to me, so you are either the online name you used here, or just a first name. Shanon, have you done any exploring into Kakawis Indian Residential School on Meares Island (across from Tofino)? That would be Cumberland. Use of this website constitutes acceptance of its Terms of Use. E & N Train Station, Nanaimo(Fibber Maggees Irish Pub) The E & N Station suffered massive damages from anunexplained fire in 2007. My great great grandfather was Isaac Emblem, and he also frequented the Oxy. There is also an old, unused playground. My nephew talked to an invisible man who just happened to have the nickname of his dead grandfather who once lived in their home (my nephew had no access to this knowledge), so I have come across something similar in my family as well. I wanted to let you know that I plan on using your comments in my book The Haunting of Vancouver Island out this fall. In 2005, a medium was brought in to clear out the spirits, but incidents are still said to occur. Grenville Hotel, Bayhead. Furthermore, the Siwash Hill entities may actually have been two separate spirits. Another thing is, there were other people stopped at that rest area who must of seen what I did, I wish they would come forward to corroborate this incident. If you would like to hear me, feel free to shoot me an email! I woke with sleep paralysis as 2 large white orbs floated towards us. The park features five scare zones, including Lady of the Lake Cemetery, Clown Town, and the brand new Venom Gulch. I worked there too. Thats interesting. Not the kind your thinking. Copyright 2021 Ready Steady Cut. (848) 207-8963, Brighton Asylum I saw a woman staring at me intently. My youngest went to french creek elementary school, but sad to say they closed it down this year due to cut back. A highway apparition is also reported here. Also, pots and pans moving, lights turning off and on; one day working the morning shift I opened, no a soul or sound everything sleeping sound asleep at 5am, just came back to the front desk from opening the pub and gift shop, was walkingand a lady said my name, hurry come! I went upstairs to accounting to see of anyone was up there, no one, as well as the pub and dining room and kitchen. You must have hated driving after that? Globe Hotel, NanaimoPrevious business staff had seen the apparition of a woman in an old-fashioned dress gliding down the stairs, or in the kitchen. It seems crazy to me so why would people believe it. Toggle Navigation. He believes this thunderbird story may be an old UFO claim. It seems the Mansons were very kind to the miners and would help them out in hard times. Some of it is settler guilt (a lot of bad things happened, as you say), some of it is Indigenous spirit belief (ghosts are accepted as real and part of daily life), but much of it is latent Christian ideas about who goes to heaven and what ground is sacred and which is tainted (colonist Christians felt Indigenous spirits were pagan, evil, and earthbound). A man in an old-fashioned military uniform, a boy who staff have nicknamed Buddy, and a woman have all been seen.
Youve done a lot of research. I got some pics of the church and property if anyone is interested. Wish I could say the same about my memory, drac castle, i remember rumors of that place growing up as a kid in campbell river. Some of the lesser-known Nanaimo places arent on here because I would like to create a separate list at some point. Its really interesting about the bed looking to have been sat on, because many people have reported similar observations in other places reputed to be haunted. The original castle on the site was slighted in the 17th century during the English Civil War, meaning it was deliberately destroyed after it fell to Parliamentarian forces. #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; width:400px;} #mc_embed_signup { font-family: "Open Sans","Helvetica Neue",Arial,Helvetica,Verdana,sans-serif; width: 100%; text-align: center;#mc_embed_signup .button { clear: both; background-color: #e18b85;}#mc_embed_signup .button:hover { background-color: #ea9b96;}, Earn Up To $400 And Test New Products {Studies for Kids and Adults}, Daffodils In NJ: Family Fun At Reeves Reed Arboretum, RWJBarnabas Health Events for Kids, Tweens, and Young Athletes This April, Cameron Lake is a pretty cool place in a creepy sort of way. Thin walls and large, Georgian sash windows make the manor house poorly suited for defence. Its often a fear of the spirit he consorted with. Thank you for sharing Coleen. Another commenter asked about the old mill. A 2011 letter to the editor of the Comox Valley Record did say this: Draculas Castle was a pretty much bomb-proof spot before TimberWest destroyed it., Im not from comix but , we did vist this place in the late 90 and I swear to god there were dead birds all over the place and a 2 deer skulls that had been painted and hung on tree, obviously do e by ppl but the whole place has bad bad energy, Hi there. Many of these stories are told in full, complete with images. As for Cassidy Inn being haunted, it has come up in the comments section below including personal accounts. I remember getting directions to it and stopping and handing the food to the oddest man in a robe. Is it possible Henry Croft owned multiple homes? The church acted as a makeshift hospital, and both the building and grounds are said to be haunted. I was on the remains of the hotel floor, and felt the typical chill associated with hauntings, despite the August weather. The little girl that drowned In horn lake her name is Melissa she was like a sister to me so I dont talk about her much but she was little when she drowned and she did not know how to swim Melissa was camping with her parents when she did not come back home with her parents I knew something had happened to my best friend I did not know what until her mom told me she drowned by the time they found her she was goneRip Melissa xox miss you so much :'(. stephanie smith daughter of david james elliott; william windom spouse; japan festivals april 2023; homes for sale on school section lake walkerville, mi Hi Justin! The whole place is a little strange, to say the least.
The climax ofHauntedseason 3, episode 2 is the entire house being besieged by what looks very much like an earthquake, to be honest, but was obviously ghosts going nuts. Old Point Loma Lighthouse 7. . Why did my cousin see a girl? He then cut her up and scattered her remains across the site. The BFRO has many such sighting reports. Haunted By Henry sounds like a weird fashion line, or at least it would if you stuck a comma after the word haunted, but its actually about a mother and her children being besieged by unsettling events after moving into the former home of a 19th-century mining magnate. It walked in, stared at me for a few moments, then left through the door overlooking the schools. I also appreciate you taking the time to be so detailed. I never knew anyone had experienced anything there before. Yes there were rituals performed there with animals, parties (raves), etc. This apparition appeared fully dry, and after looking at her and her friend for a moment, is said to have vanished (comments with accounts below). THe fella heard and seen one on the back side of Mt.Benson. Id never heard of sightings on either of these islands. And now, all grown up, when I bought my house, the basement was completely FILLED with the previous owners odd belongings. The only thing Ive been able to find out lately is that it is somewhere off Forbidden Plateau Rd area or Piercy rd area and theres just 4 walls standing. Picture four. Do you have any information on the International Gravity Circle at the Gulf View Picnic site just off of East Saanich Road on the Peninsula? These experiences have shaped him drastically. I never came across any. Thanks again Anthony! The imposing stone castle of Croft, located in the English county of Herefordshire, represents 1,000 years of power and politics. Dont usually watch any of the TV shows, but Dr. Bindernagel who Ive written a post about speaks about this area as well. As mentioned, Herbert Croft, the seventeenth century Bishop of Hereford, is claimed to haunt Croft Castle.
I felt unsettled at this person looking at me so intentlyuntil later, when I realized she was an apparation. And our favorite? Thats awesome. Thanks again. It might be tough, though, because its not listed as one of the segments and Ive never seen that episode. Why didnt you go to the cops? Most spelling comments get ignored but I like you Jason Wilson. This is what happened to me August,28 2010. Wether these encounters really are with the dead or something else including something as of yet psychologically unexplainable, I think it is helpful to have some sort of protective measure if possible. No need to even mention ghost type phenomina. Nicknamed Mount Adelaide. Like I said, I dont consider myself an expert by any means (Im distrustful of those who say they are really), but I have researched the folkloric aspect of ghost stories for most of my adult life so maybe some of this will be helpful to you. The issue I have with this article is the use of the word hung. Im guessing that if it was conspiratorial in nature, someone would have just got rid of the sign. There are many urban legends of teenagers disappearing, etc. I wont go there in the dark anymore. Thanks Sam thats awesome! Is there any bad/sad history in those areas? We have also seen numerous ufos. Do you mean the 17 Mile Pub? Anyways all of a sudden he had tears just flowing down his face and at that moment a childs ball (resembled a beach ball almost but smaller) bounced off the roof and landed right near us. But he house was demolished in 1959 after the Salvation Army got ownership, Your email address will not be published. Did you see Anthonys (original) comment/experience below? henry croft house haunteddeny the witch 9th edition rulesdeny the witch 9th edition rules. By now the interior had been redressed, with the furnishings and portraits returned to the rooms. I used to think this show had some truth to it. Many mill workers have felt or heard things and even seen apparitions even to this day. I write a history article in the North Island paper and I have been meaning to do a write-up on this one for a while. (732) 928-2000, Farm of Horrors Doors open and close, rattling chains are heard and items are moved without explanation. UFO guys name is Granger Taylor. Either that or check their site regularly. It was creepy for sure! I worked at the Calico Teahouse for about two years. Thanks for sharing Sue! A loved one who lived with me at the time said She had gotten up during the early morning and witnessed the lights and R.C.M.P cruisers patrolling our otherwise quiet neighborhood several times that morning. The apparition of a woman in a long dress was seen by at least one witness. Another story I heard about the lady on the lake was from my ex boyfriend, he told me that he was down at the dam having a few drinks with some friends n their discussion started 2get heated so he left the dam n was headed up a trail in the woods(just across the road from the dam) he was about 1/2 way up the trail when he looked up n the lady(who is usually spotted walking on the water) was in the middle of the trail n when he looked at her she said 2him Have u seen my baby? he said he dropped his case of bottled beers n ran back 2the dam, the people there said he was white as a ghost when he returned and he explained to them what happened. 156 Summit Avenue, Montvale He has never caused harm, but does frighten my mother-in-law somewhat.
The Croft Estate in Herefordshire has nearly always been the home of the Croft family. I run a pet store here and obviously need to brush up on my history. It was checked by an archeologist as being ancient native, not a police matter of someone recently killed. In 1929 Sam and Ada Matson resumed ownership until 1957 when Mount Adelaide was bequeathed to the Salvation Army, whereby it was torn down in 1959.
Retirement Reflections, ceremony and opening it up as a campground,, A Haunted Tale Of A Ghost From The Gold Rush The Zeballos Hotel The Curious Fortean, Enter If You Dare!! Always kinda creepy going in early in the morning. October 22 & 23 Hotel Macomber, Cape May. The would find the TV turning on/off by itself. I just wanted to touch base regarding the incident that happened to me at the Malahat viewpoint lookout rest stop on August,28 2010 at approximately 12:30 .am.
Thanks Shanon, Hopefully, this is the case and not a sacrifice (I cant see anyone being able to legit sacrifice an elk). There were two bedrooms on the upper floor and a sitting type area on the landing at the top of the stairs. Which haunted houses in NJ or haunted hayrides are you brave enough to try this season? I wonder how many of the reports are from incidents that took place Saturday from 3 to 11? Its had a few names, but it used to be the Windsor (old pictures) and was attached to the opera house. Anyways sorry for the preamble. A long time ago a distantish family member of mine was apparetly killed there, mistaken identity . Wrecked all his teeth, and climbed out of the wrecked truck to see if he ran the woman over, but he was all alone in the dark of Mount Sicker. Im stoked that you mentioned it was on Creepy Canada as well. The mountain isreported to be an active Sasquatch area, as well (comments with accounts below). I of course have never told her what I read, because she is 3 and she didnt need to know details about the history here yet. The Cedars Hotel is interesting too. Ive done so much research and Im interested in hearing more information anyone has This town has a lot of hidden secrets and like you mentioned, most dont want to talk about it. Posted on February 23, 2023 by February 23, 2023 by
I am not sure if it was satanic or wiccan, I did see a deer skull on a tree with a metal cup hanging off the antlers. The chief thought it would be safer to move to Massacre Island, known to them as Chauke, because then their food would be safe from animal and other tribes.
It only mentions two ghosts though. To those of you who dont know what larp is it means live, action,role ,play. Some comments on Youtube as well Thank you Erika! When I interviewed Chief James Swan he told me a story about a man following the thunderbird into a cave and seeing a man come out of his chest link. The second was of an apparition of a woman with a hideous face nothing like a human face without arms and legs. Thank you for letting me know about this I had not even realized it would be about Henry Croft! It was whilst walking the perimeter of the building that he saw something peculiar. Thanks for the reply! I guess if a wolf can appear on Discovery Island by Victoria then anythings possible! Hope you enjoy .
Of course, a picture of Henry Croft is in the old papers, and Wyatt recognizes him immediately. I may or may not be haunted, but its a special place to visit. Donna Hill is a local historian and states each haunting has been verified by at least three witnesses. Hope you can find some information on this somewhere, it would be nice to keep the history alive. South Crescent Street, Port AlberniThere are rumours that this whole street is haunted. Its not there anymore unfortunately. The house had been sold a couple times, but no one really messed with some of the older structures. You may not sleep well after an evening walking the haunted trails at Gravity Hill, where cars have been inexplicably pulled uphill against the forces of gravity. A candle was seen lit on shore in an old shed when no one was there, either. Always drawn to that location. Thats really cool! Take a haunted trip through Corrados Farm for a hayride in the woods, where you will meet creatures of the night, a cemetery of the walking dead, wicked witches, and scary apparitions. Hard to explain.
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