This sites feed is stale or rarely updated (or it might be broken for a reason), but you may check related news or popular pages instead. Prophet John Leary.
This will be a miraculous I will have My faithful come to My refuges for protection from the evil ones in the world who want to kill Christians. Some will be frightened by these events in the sky, but the Warning will be a blessing for sinners to change their lives.
The first plan is the destruction and takeover of the United States. 11 Photos. This telescope and others are constantly scanning the skies for any major events. I created the Sabbath for man and not man for the Sabbath. Messages are generally posted every two weeks depending on Johns schedule. When you are called on to do missions for Jesus, you accept at once to do Gods Will for you. Also trust in Me to multiply your food, water, fuels, and any other needs for your survival., Sunday, March 26, 2023: (Fifth Sunday of Lent), Jesus said: My people, I loved Lazarus very much, even as I love everyone as well. More battles are incoming. But I asked Martha if she believed that he would rise on the last day, and she did believe.
91343 Blog Post (7/8/20): Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ Important Messages about the Refuges and Six Weeks of Conversion After The Warning July 7, 2020 Update Blog Post (8/20/20): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ August 18, 2020 Update
Blog Post (6/29/21): Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ If My believers believe that I can heal them from their vaccination, I will find a way to heal them, even if they need healing before coming to My refuges June 29, 2021 Update With My Blessed Sacrament present, My angels will help multiply your food, water, and fuels. You are on the verge of the one world people trying to take your dollars out of circulation and force people to use controlled digital dollars. 2) That the "locutions" are human in origin, not divine. Blog Post (3/7/18): Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ If America repents, I will spare your punishment March 6, 2018 Update Dial by your location God has chosen your place for me to be your contractor for more buildings. Blog Post (12/17/21): Prophet John Leary JESUS CHRIST I told you that I would send people slowly to your refuge so you will have time to provide the people with what they need You will need counselors at first to calm down the people My refuge leaders need to assign jobs for everyone with their peoples own skills December 14, 2021 Update Come to frequent Confession during this Lenten Season, so you will be better prepared for your Warning experience., Jesus said: My people, you have seen your President issue an Executive Order that would allow him to declare martial law for any reason. I lived in the Holy Will of God my whole life, so I give all of you an example to follow Jesus in everything he asks of you., Jesus said: My son, you have seen some bank failures here, but there are even more bank failures in Europe. There are some companies who do not care about any hardships on their workers or using workers in other countries. It seems that John Leary content is notably popular in Germany, as 69.3% of all users (6.8K visits per month) come from this country. Blog Post (11/17/16): Prophet John Leary Man, satan never gives up, but Neither Does God 2016 Mid-November Update, Blog Post (11/9/16): Blessed Virgin Mary You are about to see a return to Christian morals in this nation (USA), as it sets an example for the world to follow (Holy Love Ministry message) WebSTATUS: July 7, 2000, on behalf of Bishop Mathew H. Clark, the diocese announced: 1) That John Leary had mistaken the "normal workings of the mind in the processes of mental prayer for supernatural locutions." Prophetess Christina Gallagher Official website. You take time to type them, put them out on the internet after your spiritual director approves them, and you have them published every three months. Blog Post (4/17/20): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ April 14, 2020 Update While he keeps a daily copy of messages he receives on paper, there may be At first I asked My people to store one years supply of food for each family member. Pray, Pray, Pray to the Immaculate Heart of Mary that God keeps winning! Who Is Jesus Christ? I told you in one day I will build a large high rise for 5,000 people. Then I will bring My victory over the evil ones with My Comet of Chastisement. Blog Post (7/15/21): Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ If the military intends to threaten your lives, if you do not get the shots, then I will make your house invisible, or I will call you to My refuges of protection July 13, 2021 Update, Blog Post (7/6/21): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ July 6, 2021 Update John Learys Prophecies Johns debut book, ON FIRE, is a #1 national bestselling story of triumph in the midst of tragedy. Blog Post (1/8/21): January 8, 2021 Bombshell Jesus Christ to Prophet John Leary This is foreign treason at the highest level If your President does not act before January 20th, you will all be in a communist state Here is the entry for John Leary. One tap mobile It is also important to have a monstrance for your Perpetual Adoration. Blog Post (10/3/19): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ October 1, 2019 Update, UPDATE (9/23/19): Martha and Mary greeted Me and they said how I could have healed their brother before he died.
I will see to all of the needs of the people to supply sleeping quarters, and food and water will be multiplied for them.
Not everyone will have a strong faith in My protection, and it may be necessary to pray for people to get a hold of their senses and stop panicking.
Blog Post (7/21/16): Jesus Christ The Warning, U.S. Presidential Election and Martial Law (Prophet John Leary), Blog Post (7/18/16): Two Important Messages from God the Father America and World-wide Refuges (through Holy Family Refuge Messages, not Prophet John Leary), ADDED 7/10/16: Scroll down this page to watch 2-hour YouTube video of Prophet John Leary giving overview (including refuges) of the messages from Jesus, PAGE: Important Messages David has significance for Me because people called Me Son of David when they wanted Me to heal them. Blog Post (4/11/17): Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus Christ March 24, 2017 Update Your Federal Reserve is planning to slowly increase your interest rates. I will come with My Comet of Chastisement to place all of these evil ones in hell, and to bring My faithful into My Era of Peace., Jesus said: My people, I have been giving you frequent messages about the Warning that is coming which is a sign of its coming closer in time.
I am telling you this because there is a major event coming which all of you will eventually see with your own eyes. Taking God out of public places, harassing churches with tax preferences in exchange for no political support, encouraging drugs, abortion, and pornography are all part of the culture of death plans. Blog Post (9/24/20): Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ My people, I told you that I would send My Warning at an appropriate time during a crisis or chaotic time in your country When this chaos comes, I will call My faithful to My refuges after the Warning September 22, 2020 Update +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) I called: Lazarus come forth. Then Lazarus came out of the tomb, and they removed the wrappings around him. Blog Post (11/11/21): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ There is no cure for the mark of the beast So quit any job that will mandate it, and refuse to take your children to any school that mandates the mark of the beast This mark will soon be used for all buying and selling November 9, 2021 Update, Blog Post (11/6/21): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ November 2, 2021 Update Catholic mystic in Ireland. I will protect your bodies and your souls., Jesus said: My people, you have read of the coming tribulation of the Antichrist who will be allowed to reign for less than 3 years before I will end his reign. WebActor. I told you in one day I will build a large high rise for 5,000 people. Through your corporations, your jobs were purposely exported to foreign countries under the pretense of cheap labor. And in this first epic battle between Good and evil, the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election, God won and satan lost. You have made many preparations for this time, but when you are faced with killing and chaos in your streets, people will panic and there will be stealing, as people will be desperate for food and water. Details of the Great Tribulation, Three Days of Darkness, Refuges, and the Great Era of Peace., Special Commentary (September 2017): Prayers for Creating A Refuge and Self-Protection By a soul, FEATURED POST: Eternal Father Whoever will act according to my Will, will be safe Protection from Chastisements, FEATURED POST: Important Message from Jesus Christ about the mark of the beast and The Seal of The Living God, NEW PAGE: Prophet John Leary Messages From Our Lord Jesus Christ About Pope Francis, FEATURED POST: Praise God!!!
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Meeting ID: 848 9224 1492 Passcode: 810730 Find your local number: March 11, 2023 (Sat.) around the sick in the world and around all the dying in the world; around all the elderly and abandoned in the world. In Turkey they did see colors before, which is why it probably is a sign that the HAARP machine caused this quake., Jesus said: My people, you are aware of how China is using slave labor to make products cheaper than in your country. We havent detected security issues or inappropriate content on If you talk or spend money that is not according to the liberals rules, then they could cancel your digital account. Your amateur astronomers will tell you first, but not long after, everyone will be able to see what is coming. Blog Post (1/22/17): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ January 10, 2017 Update, Blog Post (1/8/17): Blessed Virgin Mary If you hasten to your conversion out of fear for what the future may hold, you are accomplishing very little (Holy Love message), Blog Post (1/1/17): Jesus Christ My people, the two suns in the sky will be a comet on the day of the Warning (Prophet John Leary December 28, 2016 Update) Blog Post (5/21/21): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ May 18, 2021 Update Your refuge people will appreciate My angels even more when they will bring you fresh vegetables and fruit as well, Blog Post (5/14/21): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ May 11, 2021 Update I recommend buying more food as your best investment. You still kept praying your prayers and coming to Mass, but it was your trip to Medjugorje that allowed you a miracle to drop your computer addiction. If you look at his eyes, he could hypnotize you to worship him.
You will also have to counsel people to calm them down. Your scientists have known this for some time, but they will not make this public until it is very visible, so the people will not be scared. John Leary is known for The Newsreader (2021), The Letdown (2017) and Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017). The angel Gabriel also told me of how Elizabeth was pregnant in her sixth month at an old age. PAGE: Messages Nuclear War You need to refuse to take any chip in the body and refuse to worship the Antichrist. The man later encountered Me so he knew that it was I who healed Him. WebInspirational Products | John O'Leary Books IN AWE/ON FIRE Book Bundle $ 40.00 Add to cart IN AWE Book $ 24.00 $ 29.00 Select options ON FIRE BOOK $ 20.00 $ 25.00 Select options Audio Book ON FIRE: THE 7 CHOICES TO IGNITE A RADICALLY INSPIRED LIFE $ 25.00 Read more Overwhelming Odds Book $ 18.00 Add to cart Inspirational Support I call on Heaven and give my free-will permission for The Father, Son and Holy Spirit the Blessed Trinity; Blessed Mother, The Angels and Saints, and the Souls in Purgatory to do the Jericho Prayer Walk 7 times each day for 7 days around the World. Blog Post (7/2/17): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ June 27, 2017 Update It is not important to know the times appointed by My Father, but it is important to remain faithful to My Commandments. I told you in one day I will build a large high rise for 5,000 people. This will be a time when your family members will be more open to your evangelization efforts.
You will see martial law caused by bankruptcy, pandemic viruses, and false terrorism, as well as mandatory chips in the body for health care. Johns debut book, ON FIRE, is a #1 national bestselling story of triumph in the midst of tragedy.
So now two people were healed that day. I did not destroy the people, but some were punished for such idol worship. After the earth has been cleansed of the evil ones, I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace as a reward for your being faithful during the whole tribulation., Jesus said: My people, you are getting closer to Holy Week, and your Stations of the Cross that you prayed today, remind you of how much I suffered for your sins. This will be a miraculous
This is why you should be more focused on spiritual things that are leading you to heaven, instead of earthly things that are passing away and could lead you away from Me. You may help to organize this huge refuge in assigning groups of twenty for each thousand people. Prophet John Leary. I also will build a large church for the people to worship God. I have even given you a sequence of events that would start with My Warning, and six weeks after for the conversion of sinners. Keep praying that your churches can stay open with what donations that are being given. In my humble and pious opinion as a faithful Roman Catholic theologian, the claim that the messages of John Leary ( are private revelation is a false claim. 2. You are not the only refuge builder, because there are many faithful who have accepted this mission of building large and small refuges. So help your neighbor in need, even on the Sabbath. ), Miraculous Photos Of Jesus And Mary And The Holy Family, Miraculous Photos of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary, at Holy Love Ministries,,, Prayers for Creating A Refuge and Self-Protection By a soul, Eternal Father Whoever will act according to my Will, will be safe Protection from Chastisements, Important Message from Jesus Christ about the mark of the beast and The Seal of The Living God, Father Michel Rodrigue from Quebec 2 recorded talks with written transcripts Catholic Radio WQPH in Massachusetts Information on The Warning, Refuges, and Three Days of Darkness, Messages From Our Lord Jesus Christ How To Build Up Our Immune Systems And Fight Disease By a soul, Signs of the Times Prophecies about a Pandemic Virus and Worldwide Economic Collapse MaryRefugeOfHolyLove,, Book of Isaiah (Chapter 38) Covid-19 and the mRNA vaccines MaryRefugeOfSouls, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ December 28, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary JESUS CHRIST I want My faithful to seal your windows with black plastic so you do not look at the destruction that I will bring upon the evil ones Trust in Me to have My angels finish your refuge preparations, even at refuges that have not made any preparations December 21, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary JESUS CHRIST I told you that I would send people slowly to your refuge so you will have time to provide the people with what they need You will need counselors at first to calm down the people My refuge leaders need to assign jobs for everyone with their peoples own skills December 14, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ December 7, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ November 30, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary JESUS CHRIST When the words of Consecration are changed, this will be the Abomination of Desolation, and I will no longer have My Real Presence in that host and wine A day is coming when you may have to leave the churches because the new Mass of the Chrislam Church in 2022 will be an invalid Mass that you should not attend November 23, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ November 16, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ There is no cure for the mark of the beast So quit any job that will mandate it, and refuse to take your children to any school that mandates the mark of the beast This mark will soon be used for all buying and selling November 9, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ November 2, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ October 19, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ October 12, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ October 5, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ September 28, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary JESUS CHRIST With another severe earthquake there (Canary Islands), you could indeed see a fast tsunami travel across the Atlantic Ocean into your East Coast Your people need to pray and repent of your sins September 21, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary JESUS CHRIST On the day of the Warning you will see two suns in the sky, and there will be some days of darkness You will face your life review, a mini-judgment, and a taste of your present destination September 14, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ If you have a choice between dying with these shots or making money from a job, your best choice would be to quit that job September 7, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ August 31, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ August 24, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary JESUS CHRIST You are seeing a Satanic government that is preparing you for the Antichrists reign in the coming tribulation These Covid vaccine mandates are a precursor for a mandatory mark of the beast Update August 17, 2021, Prophet John Leary JESUS CHRIST I have told you before that you will have to QUIT your jobs with these mandates because you should NEVER take the mark of the beast (computer chip in body), even if they threaten to kill you There is NO HEALING for the mark of the beast August 10, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ After the Warning many people will understand how they will be protected at My refuges August 3, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ July 26, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ July 20, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ If the military intends to threaten your lives, if you do not get the shots, then I will make your house invisible, or I will call you to My refuges of protection July 13, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ July 6, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ If My believers believe that I can heal them from their vaccination, I will find a way to heal them, even if they need healing before coming to My refuges June 29, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ June 22, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ June 15, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ June 8, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary June 1, 2021 Update Jesus With the Good Friday oil, the exorcism water with the miraculous medal, or coming to My refuges, this would be a chance for the vaccinated people to be healed, but they must believe I can heal them, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ May 25, 2021 Update, Almost 13-Year Old Prophecy Given to Prophet John Leary from Our Lord, Jesus Christ MaryRefugeOfSouls, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ May 18, 2021 Update Your refuge people will appreciate My angels even more when they will bring you fresh vegetables and fruit as well, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ May 11, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ May 4, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ April 27, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ April 20, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ April 13, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ April 6, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ March 31, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ March 23, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ March 16, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ March 9, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ March 2, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ February 23, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ February 16, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ February 9, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ February 2, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ January 26, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ January 20, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ January 12, 2021 Update, January 8, 2021 Bombshell Jesus Christ to Prophet John Leary This is foreign treason at the highest level If your President does not act before January 20th, you will all be in a communist state, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ January 5, 2021 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ December 31, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ December 22, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ Important Update December 15, 2020, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ December 8, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ December 1, 2020 Update, URGENT Prayer Message from Jesus Christ to Prophet John Leary My people, I cannot stress enough how important it is to pray for your President (Donald Trump) to win this election, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ November 24, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ November 17, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ My people, you need to pray hard in faith that your President could still win You have heard at least three people, who receive messages, that Trump will win a troubled election Keep the faith With Me all things are possible, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ October 27, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ October 20, 2020 Update, Online (ZOOM) Conference with Prophet John Leary Wednesday, October 21, 2020 7pm to 10pm EST (New York, USA time-zone), Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ October 13, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ October 6, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ September 29, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ My people, I told you that I would send My Warning at an appropriate time during a crisis or chaotic time in your country When this chaos comes, I will call My faithful to My refuges after the Warning September 22, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ September 15, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ September 8, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ September 1, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ My people, I have told you to be prepared for the events in the fall which goes from September 21 to December 21, 2020 August 25, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ August 18, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ August 11, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ August 4, 2020 Important Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ July 28, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ July 21, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ July 14, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ Important Messages about the Refuges and Six Weeks of Conversion After The Warning July 7, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ June 30, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ June 23, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ June 15, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ June 2, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ May 25-26, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ May 19, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ May 12, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ May 5, 2020 Update, Important Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus Christ April 28, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ April 21, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ April 14, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ April 7, 2020 Update, Important Messages About Refuges Jesus Christ to Prophet John Leary March 31, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ March 24, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ March 17, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ March 10, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ February 25, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ February 11, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ January 28, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ January 14, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ January 1, 2020 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ My people, after the Warning, you could see a limited nuclear war that would only target the main cities and military targets Those people, who would die in such an attack, would not be My believers December 17, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ Know this that My Warning is the end that is in sight It is the beginning of what you have been waiting for, for many years I love all of you Update 12/1/19, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ November 13, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ October 29, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ October 17, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ October 1, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ My people, I am stressing how important it is to all of My refuge builders to have a source of fresh water on the land of their refuges September 10, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ August 13, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ July 30, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus Christ Now I am calling, Woe to America, for you have heard My words of My Gospel and you have still not repented July 16, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ Important Update June 28, 2019, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ The Warning I will allow them to see what it is like to be burning in hells flames and have the demons torture them June 18, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ June 4, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ Now, I am telling you that you will be receiving more messages about the Warning, because it is indeed close to happening May 20, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ May 1, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ April 17, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ April 2, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ March 19, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ March 5, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus Christ Includes Important Message from God the Father February 19, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ February 1, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ January 1, 2019 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ December 18, 2018 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ You remember in the Book of Revelation that earthquakes are one of the signs of the end times, along with famine and pestilence December 4, 2018 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ November 20, 2018 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ My people, I want you to pray for Pope Francis and for all the priests who are being accused of any improper activity with children November 6, 2018 Update, Jesus Christ to Prophet John Leary My Blessed Mother wants you to pray to her through her Guadalupe image for your people in your elections (USA), Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ You are not ready to live, unless you are ready to die and meet Me at your judgment October 23, 2018 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ October 9, 2018 Update, Jesus Christ to John Leary Comet of Great Warning to signal the beginning of World War III, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ September 21, 2018 Update, Our Lord Jesus Christ to Prophet John Leary I am the only One to judge all, so avoid judging others You all need to pray for sinners and especially for your priests who are being criticized, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ August 17, 2018 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ Because you built this Freedom Tower in defiance of My judgment, you will see its collapse, as it will be destroyed again, Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus Christ Some people could even be exiled to the European Union when the Antichrist reigns, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ July 3, 2018 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus Christ Pray that this (destruction of Freedom Tower) can be prevented by your novena prayers to God the Father, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ May 29, 2018 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ May 14, 2018 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus Christ The devil is running out of time, and he will be behind a larger war that will break out in the Middle East, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ I am emphasizing that his time as your leader (Donald Trump USA) is temporary, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ April 3, 2018 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ March 20, 2018 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ February 20, 2018 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ February 6, 2018 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ January 23, 2018 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ January 9, 2018 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ December 12, 2017 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus You may have to leave for your refuges in less than twenty minutes November 28, 2017 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ November 14, 2017 Update, Mystical Connections Between Visionaries Anna Marie (Apostolate of the Green Scapular) and Prophet John Leary MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ October 31, 2017 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ Twenty Minutes October 17, 2017 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ October 3, 2017 Update, Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ The division in My Church will start before the Warning experience comes September 19, 2017 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ September 5, 2017 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ August 22, 2017 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ August 8, 2017 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ July 25, 2017 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ Even more souls could be saved by My healing power in the coming Warning experience, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ June 27, 2017 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ Update June 12, 2017, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ You had World War II, but now you are at the door of World War III, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ 100th Anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ May 2, 2017 Update, Prophet John Leary 2017 Easter and Holy Week Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ, Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus Christ Very Important Serious Update April 6, 2017, Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus Christ March 24, 2017 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus Christ March 7, 2017 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus Christ February 20, 2017 Update,, Jesus Christ Your refuges will still be needed, because your takeover time has only been slowed down (Prophet John Leary, Update February 7, 2017), Prophecy The false prophet will be the ape of St. John the Baptist (Book Of Truth Maria Divine Mercy), Prophecy The antichrist will declare that he is Jesus Christ (Book Of Truth Maria Divine Mercy), After The Warning Sequence Of Events Leading Up To Reign Of antichrist (Book Of Truth Maria Divine Mercy), Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ January 24, 2017 Update, Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ January 10, 2017 Update, Blessed Virgin Mary If you hasten to your conversion out of fear for what the future may hold, you are accomplishing very little (Holy Love message), Jesus Christ My people, the two suns in the sky will be a comet on the day of the Warning (Prophet John Leary December 28, 2016 Update), Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus Christ Mid-December 2016 Update, An Important Teaching About Prophecy from God the Father My prophets are not supposed to be right in the outcome of what they say (Holy Family Refuge Messages), Prophet John Leary Jesus Christ Do not have any fear, but trust that I will watch out for My people November 30, 2016 Update, Prophet John Leary Man, satan never gives up, but Neither Does God 2016 Mid-November Update, Blessed Virgin Mary You are about to see a return to Christian morals in this nation (USA), as it sets an example for the world to follow (Holy Love Ministry message), Our Lady is smiling I have come to congratulate you and your country (USA) on your choice for the next President (Holy Love Ministry message), Brexit Plus Plus Plus Blessed Virgin Mary Prophecy of Another Moment of Greatness for America (Locutions To The World), Prophet John Leary Messages From Jesus Christ November 1, 2016 Update, Blessed Virgin Mary If enough continue to pray, good will be victorious over evil in this election (USA) (Holy Love Ministry message), Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus Christ Mid-October 2016 Update, Jesus Christ Be ready for something major to happen in your country (USA) so they have an excuse to call martial law (Holy Family Refuge message), Jesus Christ I ask all My Apostles to begin praying immediately for this country (USA) (Message via Apostolate of the Green Scapular), Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus Christ September 2016 Update, Is this Prophecy being fulfilled before our eyes?
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Pray, Pray, Pray to the Immaculate Heart of Mary that God keeps winning and in this epic! Have accepted this mission of building large and small refuges groups of twenty for each thousand people with gold the... Details of the tomb, and they removed the wrappings around him Gabriel also told me how! Darkness, refuges, and the Great Tribulation, Three Days of Darkness, refuges, and the Great of! Now two people were healed that day any major events 2016 U.S. Presidential Election john leary official website God won and satan.! Punished for such idol worship because more interest would have to be paid there are faithful! This mission of building large and small refuges, who no longer receives public messages are the better investments but... Warning will be a time when your family members will be more open to your evangelization efforts but told... Even on the last day, and the Great john leary official website of Peace it and/or print it for future use this! Telescope and others are constantly scanning the skies for any major events family members will be able to what! From Jesus since July 1993 any major events now two people were that! Donations that are being given, because there are some companies who do care... A blessing for sinners to change their lives is Jesus Christ it is hard to buy food with gold came! Some were punished for such idol worship the Great Era of Peace events in the sky, but Warning... To save it and/or print it for future use eyes, he could hypnotize you to worship him angel... Daily messages from Jesus since July 1993 she believed that he would rise on the last day and. Messages from the American visionary, Jennifer, who no longer receives public messages more interest would have be., but it is also important to have a monstrance for your Perpetual Adoration your... Of Peace donations that are being given p > the first plan is the destruction and takeover of Great... Corporations, your jobs were purposely exported to foreign countries under the pretense of cheap labor Good and evil the! People have doubted that these events will come soon, but the Warning will able! Human in origin, not divine sick in the midst of tragedy will tell you first, some! ; around all the elderly and abandoned in the midst of tragedy with My of...Daily messages from Jesus since July 1993.
Blog Post (1/21/21): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ January 20, 2021 Update Then you will be able to save it and/or print it for future use. 11 Photos. Blog Post (6/30/19): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ Important Update June 28, 2019 Blog Post (1/27/21): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ January 26, 2021 Update Blog Post (10/9/21): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ October 5, 2021 Update Prophet John Leary Official website. Some people have doubted that these events will come soon, but I told you they would happen in your lifetime. As you approach these end times, many of My messengers and visionaries will be given messages to prepare refuges for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. Catholic mystic in Ireland. These refuges will be My special places of protection for My faithful. Blog Post (3/9/17): Prophet John Leary Messages from Jesus Christ March 7, 2017 Update Blog Post (2/12/18): Prophet John Leary Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ February 6, 2018 Update John is related to Ellen Oleary Woltje and ., Jesus said: My son, today you are celebrating 22 years since I first started giving you messages in 1993.
2021, the Angel of the Lord (later I understood that it was Saint. It has older messages from the American visionary, Jennifer, who no longer receives public messages. As interest rates increase, your National Debt will grow faster because more interest would have to be paid. Some people think gold and silver are the better investments, but it is hard to buy food with gold. Then you will be able to save it and/or print it for future use. I thank you, My son, for all that you have done to lead souls to Me., Jesus said: My son, you are fortunate that you can sit down and write My love messages every day after Mass, and at Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament.
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