180 Westwood Ave, East Longmeadow, MA 01028, 33 Baldwin St, West Springfield, MA 01089. + ADD (Swimming Pool, Club House, Automatic Door, Ramped Entry, Gated, ) Less Filters. You are not required to use Guaranteed Rate Affinity, LLC as a condition of purchase or sale of any real estate. What are the rental costs for houses in Hampden Refine your search by using the filter at the top of the page to view 1, 2 or 3+ bedroom nice apartments in the Hampden County as well as affordable apartments, pet-friendly apartments, apartments with utilities included and more. Let ForRent.com be your apartment finder for the best Houses. If you wish to report an issue or seek an accommodation, please let us know. Yes, I would like more information from Coldwell Banker. Web117 Union St Apartments for rent in Westfield, MA. (r.id=e.raw,r):null}},a.styles={getProp:function(e){var t;return! Buy. "".concat(e.address.fullStreetAddress,", ").concat(e.address.cityStateZip):"",r=a.coStarBrand.is("citysnap");return e.listing&&e.listing.sourceNumber&&r?t+=" | RLS #".concat(e.listing.sourceNumber):e.listing&&e.listing.sourceNumber&&!r&&(t+=" | MLS #".concat(e.listing.sourceNumber)),t},getGraphImage:function(e){return{raw:e,large:e.replace("{w}","1000").replace("{h}","120")}},getPieChartImage:function(e,t){var r="";for(var n in t)t.hasOwnProperty(n)&&(r+=t[n].Value+" - "+t[n].Label,r+="|");return{raw:e,small:e.replace("{w}","320").replace("{h}","160").replace("{color0}","00A3E1").replace("{color1}","56BBE1").replace("{color2}","abddf0").replace("{color3}","cccccc")+"&chdl="+r.slice(0,-1)}},getStatusBadges:function(e){function t(e,t,r){this.text=e,this.color=t,this.secondaryColor=r}var r=[];if(e.listing){if(e.listing.specialFeatures.comingSoon){var n=new t("Coming Soon","#fac332","");r.push(n)}else{var o,i,s=2===e.transactionType.raw;if(e.listing.sListingStatus.active)o=s? $1,361 depending on the number of bedrooms. 979 Dwight St Holyoke, MA 01040. WebHampden County, MA Condos for Rent 37 Rentals Available 4 Shepard St Unit 1 Updated Today 4 Shepard St, Westfield, MA 01085 2 Beds $1,400 Email Property (413) 887-3047 11 Rapalus St Unit 11-L 2 Wks Ago 11 Rapalus St, Springfield, MA 01151 3 Beds $1,600 Email Property 27 Bemis Ave Unit Bemis Ave. ").concat(r);window.location.replace(n)}},a.showing={getStylesBasedOnStatus:function(e){var t=a.coStarBrand.is("citysnap"),r={mapMarkerFill:t? All Rights Reserved. MLS# 73090754. {raw:e,string:e.toLocaleString(),label:"Acres"}:null},getPrice:function(e,t){if(e){var r=Math.round(e),n="$"+r.toLocaleString();t&&2==t&&(n+="/mo");var a;return r<1e4?a=r.toLocaleString():r<999500?(a=Math.round(r/1e3).toString(),a+="K"):r<105e4?a="1M":r<9995e4? Homes for Sale. WebHampden County, MA Townhomes for Rent 8 Rentals Available 16 Harrison Ave Unit 2nd floor 1 Day Ago 16 Harrison Ave, Westfield, MA 01085 2 Beds $1,500 Email Property 2 Rampart Ct Updated Today 2 Rampart Ct, Holyoke, MA 01040 2 Beds $1,475 Email Property (413) 314-2385 21-23 Oakwood Terrace 1 Day Ago 21-23 Oakwood Terrace, Although a rental house might be labeled as "Pet Friendly," it's best to inquire directly with the property manager or Landlord for their specific pet policies. "PM":"AM",a=0;a<12;a++)for(var o=0;o<60;o+=15){var i=r?a+12:a;e.push({label:"".concat(a||12,":").concat(t(o)," ").concat(n),value:"".concat(t(i),":").concat(t(o),":00"),minutes:60*i+o})}return e}},a.user={getFileID:function(e){return e.toString().split("").reverse().join("")},getProfileImage:function(e,t,r){var n=e>0? Web249 South Rd, Hampden, MA 01036 is a 893 sqft, 3 bed, 1 bath home sold in 2010. {raw:t,string:"#"+t}:null,city:r,state:n,zip:a,cityState:(r?r+", ":"")+(n?n+" ":""),cityStateZip:(r?r+", ":"")+(n?n+" ":"")+(a||""),streetNumber:null===(o=this.getFullStreetAddressWithoutUnit(e,t))||void 0===o?void 0:null===(i=o.split(" "))||void 0===i?void 0:i[0],streetNameWithoutNumber:null===(s=this.getFullStreetAddressWithoutUnit(e,t))||void 0===s?void 0:null===(c=s.split(" "))||void 0===c?void 0:null===(l=c.splice(1))||void 0===l?void 0:l.join(" ")}},getFullStreetAddressWithoutUnit:function(e,t){return t&&t.toString().length>0?e.split(" #")[0]:e},getBeds:function(e){return e?{raw:e,string:e.toString(),label:1==e? In Hampden County, MA there are currently 194 active rental listings. The median list price is $194,499 and the median sales [^A-Z]*)/g).slice(0,-1).join(" "),r.name? WebHampden County, MA rental homes are displayed with a lot of information on Point2, including square footage, amenities, area demographics, as well as local rent trends. and receive alerts when new properties are listed. WebThere are 672 homes for sale in Hampden County, MA, 56 of which were newly listed within the last week. "$".concat(a.string.getShortNumber(e)):"$".concat((e/1e3).toString(),"K")}}),u={sale:{min:n.slice(0,-1),max:n.slice(1)},rent:{min:l.slice(0,-1),max:l.slice(1)}};return u.sale.max[u.sale.max.length-1]={label:"$25M+",value:1e8},u.rent.max[u.rent.max.length-1].label="$20K+",u},getYearBuiltOptions:function(){for(var e=new Date,t=e.getFullYear(),r=[];t>=2014;)r.push(t),t-=1;r=r.concat([2010,2005,2e3,1990,1980,1970,1960,1950,1925,1900]);var n=r.map(function(e){return{value:e,label:e}}),a={min:_toConsumableArray(n).reverse(),max:n};return a.max.unshift({label:"Any",value:3e3}),a.min.unshift({label:"Any",value:0}),a}},a.savedSearches={getSavedSearchUrl:function(e){var t,r=e.sd.getUrl(),n="",a="";if(null!==(t=e.boundaryEntities)&&void 0!==t&&t.length){if(a="/p_",1===e.boundaryEntities.length){var o=e.boundaryEntities[0];a+="".concat(o.entityType,",").concat(o.entityID)}else e.boundaryEntities.forEach(function(e){a+="(".concat(e.entityType,",").concat(e.entityID,")")});n=1===e.boundaryEntities.length?e.boundaryEntities[0].url:"/areas"}else if(e.boundaryEntity){switch(e.boundaryEntity.type_){case"HSAreaItem":a="/p_(21,".concat(e.boundaryEntity.areaID,")");break;case"HSSchool":a="/p_(26,".concat(e.boundaryEntity.id,")");break;case"HSStreetArea":a="/p_(51,".concat(e.boundaryEntity.id,")")}n=e.boundaryEntity.url}var i="";if(e.bounds&&e.bounds.center){var s=e.bounds.center();i="/c_".concat(s.lat.toString(),",").concat(s.lng.toString())}var c="/b_".concat(e.bounds.north,",").concat(e.bounds.east,"-").concat(e.bounds.south,",").concat(e.bounds.west),l="";e.criteria&&e.criteria.filters&&e.criteria.filters.shape&&e.criteria.filters.shape.encodedPolygons&&void 0!==e.criteria.filters.shape.encodedPolygons&&(l="/cp_".concat(encodeURIComponent(e.criteria.filters.shape.encodedPolygons)));var u="";if(e.commuteTimePlaces){u="";for(var p=0;p0?t.push("".concat(n.minimum.toString(),"+ Beds")):n.maximum===n.minimum?t.push("".concat(n.minimum.toString()," Beds")):n.minimum>0&&n.maximum<100&&t.push("".concat(n.minimum.toString(),"-").concat(n.maximum.toString()," Beds"));var a=r.filters&&r.filters.baths?r.filters.baths:{};0===a.minimum&&1===a.maximum?t.push("0-1 Baths"):1===a.minimum&&2===a.maximum?t.push("1-2 Baths"):2===a.minimum&&3===a.maximum?t.push("2-3 Baths"):3===a.minimum&&4===a.maximum?t.push("3-4 Baths"):4===a.minimum&&5===a.maximum?t.push("4-5 Baths"):5===a.minimum&&50===a.maximum?t.push("5+ Baths"):0===a.minimum&&0===a.maximum?t.push("0 Baths"):50===a.maximum&&a.minimum>0?t.push("".concat(a.minimum.toString(),"+ Baths")):void 0!==a.minimum&&a.maximum===a.minimum?t.push("".concat(a.minimum.toString()," Baths")):a.minimum>0&&a.maximum<50&&t.push("".concat(a.minimum.toString(),"-").concat(a.maximum.toString()," Baths"));var o=r.filters&&r.filters.price?r.filters.price:{};if(o.minimum&&o.minimum.raw>0&&o.maximum&&o.maximum.raw<1e8?t.push("".concat(o.minimum.short," - ").concat(o.maximum.short)):o.maximum&&o.maximum.raw<1e8?t.push("0&&t.push(">".concat(o.minimum.short)),r&&r.filters&&r.filters.date)switch(r.filters.date){case 1:t.push("Today");break;case 2:t.push("Over 1 Week");break;case 3:t.push("Over 1 Month");break;case 4:t.push("Over 3 Months");break;case 5:t.push("Over 6 Months");break;case 6:t.push("Over a Year");break;case 7:t.push("Past Week");break;case 8:t.push("Past Month");break;case 9:t.push("Past 3 Months");break;case 10:t.push("Past 6 Months");break;case 11:t.push("Past Year");break;case 12:t.push("Tomorrow");break;case 13:t.push("This Week");break;case 14:t.push("Saturday");break;case 15:t.push("Sunday");break;case 16:t.push("This Weekend");break;case 17:t.push("This Week");break;case 18:t.push("Next Weekend")}return t=t.join(", "),e&&e.boundaryEntity? "Pending":"Contract",i="#ff7f17";else if(e.listing.sListingStatus.sold)o=s? Coldwell Banker Realty and Guaranteed Rate Affinity, LLC share common ownership and because of this relationship the brokerage may receive a financial or other benefit. "homesnap.users":"homesnap.noimage",o="//s3.amazonaws.com/"+n+"/",i=e>0?o+a.string.reverse(e.toString())+"_":o+"user_",s="";return t&&(s="? Agent Provided. Maple Grove Rd, Hampden, MA 01036 is for sale. Note: To increase accuracy, the keyword filter suggests the most commonly searched terms. West Springfield Massachusetts Apartments, 1 Bedroom Apartments in Hampden County,MA, 2 Bedroom Apartments in Hampden County,MA, 3 Bedroom Apartments in Hampden County,MA, 4 Bedroom Apartments in Hampden County,MA, Apartments for Rent in Hampden County,MA, Townhouses for Rent in Hampden County,MA, Apartments under $1000 in Hampden County,MA, Apartments under $1500 in Hampden County,MA, Apartments under $2000 in Hampden County,MA, Apartments under $2500 in Hampden County,MA, Apartments under $3000 in Hampden County,MA, Apartments near Holyoke Community College, Apartments near Western New England College, Apartments near Bay Path College-Longmeadow, Apartments near Westfield State University.
"Click to Unfavorite":"Click to Favorite"),n.spanFavoriteText.text(e? "-".concat(t):t}return null},getNumber:function(e){return e||0===e? //# sourceMappingURL=https://assets.homesnap.com/app/js_min/controllers/SearchDropdown.js.map?hash=fe0916444e058e927889b8409c1f498d See the estimate, review home details, and search for homes nearby. Available to rent is a furnished bedroom in one of Holyoke's grand Victorian homes on a beautiful street with many other beautiful homes. "".concat(e):"paint/paint.css")},set:function(e,t,r,n,a){var o=document.documentElement.style;e&&t&&o&&(o.setProperty("--".concat(e,"-hex"),t),"number"==typeof r&&"number"==typeof n&&"number"==typeof a&&(o.setProperty("--".concat(e,"-hue"),"".concat(r)),o.setProperty("--".concat(e,"-sat"),"".concat(n,"%")),o.setProperty("--".concat(e,"-lte"),"".concat(a,"%"))))}},converters:{rgb2hsl:function(e,t,r){var n=Math.max(e,t,r),a=n-Math.min(e,t,r),o=1-Math.abs(n+n-a-1),i=a&&(n===e? (b=d.skyView.imageUrl,w.style.setProperty("background-position","center center")):d.building.imageUrl&&(b=d.building.imageUrl.replace("/{size}/","/115/")),w.style.setProperty("background-size","cover"),w.style.setProperty("background-image","url(".concat(b,")"),"important")}else Homesnap&&!Homesnap.puppeteer&&e(["modules/StaticMap"],function(e){return!!e&&(e.get({$dom:u.liPrimary,type:d.status&&d.status.suppressGoogleStreetView? Don't neglect these 6 maintenance tasks - or else, Debunked! Homesnap.templates["controllers/generic.html"] = '
'; This browser is no longer supported. "Last 30 Days":i>=30&&i<90? We are continuously working to improve the accessibility of our web experience for everyone, and welcome feedback and accommodation requests. ("number"!=typeof e||e<0)){var t=new Date(null);t.setSeconds(e);var r=t.toISOString().substr(11,8),n=r.split(":");return{raw:e,hours:+n[0],minutes:+n[1],seconds:+n[2],formatted:r,formattedTrimmed:r.replace(/^0(?:0:0? don't miss your chance to finish developing this no-hoa hampden subdivision that offers views of minnechaug Browse photos, get pricing and find the most affordable housing. The median list price is $194,499 and the median sales price is $402,500. )?/,""),roundedMinutes:Math.round(e/60)}}},getDayOfWeekArray:function(){return[{dayFull:"Sunday",dayAbbr:"Sun",dayLongAbbr:"Sun"},{dayFull:"Monday",dayAbbr:"M",dayLongAbbr:"Mon"},{dayFull:"Tuesday",dayAbbr:"T",dayLongAbbr:"Tues"},{dayFull:"Wednesday",dayAbbr:"W",dayLongAbbr:"Wed"},{dayFull:"Thursday",dayAbbr:"Th",dayLongAbbr:"Thurs"},{dayFull:"Friday",dayAbbr:"F",dayLongAbbr:"Fri"},{dayFull:"Saturday",dayAbbr:"S",dayLongAbbr:"Sat"}]},getDayOfWeek:function(e){return a.date.getDayOfWeekArray()[e]},getTimeOptions:function(){for(var e=[],t=function(e){return e.toString().padStart(2,"0")},r=0;r<2;r++)for(var n=r? "#000000":"#006DC7"};if(e.status.cancelled)r.dataStatusBadge="red",r.spanTextColor="bs4--text-google-red",r.spanIcon="cancel",r.pText="Canceled";else if(e.status.completed)r.dataStatusBadge="gray",r.spanTextColor="bs4--text-gray-300",r.spanIcon="check_circle",r.pText="Toured",r.mapMarkerFill="#6B758A";else if(e.status.confirmed)r.dataStatusBadge="green",r.spanTextColor="bs4--text-google-green",r.spanIcon="check_circle",r.pText="Confirmed";else if(e.status.external){var n,o=e.service||(null===(n=e.listing)||void 0===n?void 0:n.service)||{},i="Unknown";o.homesnap?i="Homesnap":o.showingTime?i="ShowingTime":o.sentriKey&&(i="SentriKey"),r.dataStatusBadge="blue",r.spanTextColor="bs4--text-hs-blue",r.spanIcon="watch_later",r.pText="Unknown"===i? Explore rentals by neighborhoods, schools, local guides and more on Trulia! WebHampden County, Massachusetts. Start your FREE search for Houses today. WebIn Hampden there are currently 5 homes for sale, of those 0 are condos, 5 are detached homes, and 0 are townhomes. We are continuously working to improve the accessibility of our web experience for everyone, and we welcome feedback and accommodation requests. //# sourceMappingURL=https://assets.homesnap.com/app/js_min/modules/SearchRecentSearches.js.map?hash=d94413680150e9c1019ebc5348325f67 Apartment for Rent. PreviousRefine your search by using the filter at the top of the page to view 1, 2 or 3+ bedroom Houses, as well as cheap Houses, pet friendly Houses, Houses with utilities included and more. "#b0b0b0":"#6b758a",h=new t("Appointment Only",m,null);r.push(h),3===r.length&&r.shift()}}if(e.listing.specialFeatures.contingent){var f=new t("Contingent","#00B100",null);r.push(f)}else if(e.listing.specialFeatures.shortSale){var y=new t("Short Sale","#00b100",null);r.push(y)}else if(e.listing.specialFeatures.auction){var b=new t("Auction","#00b100",null);r.push(b)}else if(e.listing.specialFeatures.realEstateOwned){var v=new t("Real Estate Owned","#f71200",null);r.push(v)}else if(e.listing.specialFeatures.foreclosure){var w=new t("Foreclosure","#00b100",null);r.push(w)}}else if(e&&e.propertyID){var S="Off-Market";if(e.attributes&&e.attributes.mlsStatus){var x=e.attributes.offMarketDate?" Explore rentals by neighborhoods, schools, local guides and more on Trulia! 8 myths about renting you should stop believing immediately, 6 ways home buyers mess up getting a mortgage, 6 reasons you should never buy or sell a home without an agent, Difference between agent, broker & Realtor, Real estate agents reveal the toughest home buyers they've ever met, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. [e]:Array.isArray(e)?e:[e];null!==(a=window.Homesnap.mlsVersionNumber)&&void 0!==a||window.Homesnap.versionNumber;i.forEach(function(e){var a,i=window.Homesnap.versionNumber;if(-1==e.indexOf("https://")&&0!=e.indexOf("//")){var s=e.toLowerCase();e=t.cssAppHashes&&!t.cssAppHashes["".concat(s)]? don't miss your chance to finish developing this no-hoa hampden subdivision that offers views of minnechaug mountain. To view all properties please Sign In.
House for Rent. ")),t.url=t.url.concat("brokerageid=",a),a&&window.location.replace("".concat(window.location.origin).concat(t.url)),!1}},a.reload={withUtmTags:function(e){if(!e||"object"!=typeof e||e.constructor!==Object)return!1;var t={promoCampaign:"utm_campaign",promoSource:"utm_source",promoMedium:"utm_medium",promoTerm:"utm_term",promoContent:"utm_content",promoDate:"date",salesUserID:"sdr",triggerEmailSubject:"subj"},r=Object.keys(e).map(function(r){if(e[r])return"".concat(t[r],"=").concat(e[r])}).filter(Boolean).join("&"),n="".concat(window.location.origin).concat(window.location.pathname,"? (!window||null===(t=document)||void 0===t||!t.documentElement)&&window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue(e)}},a.application={parseQueryString:function(e){for(var t,r,n=/(?:\?|\&)([^(\=|\&)]+)(?
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